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I don't know what I'm expecting.

Coffins? Capes? Fancy high collars? Maybe that weird blond wig from that god awful dracula movie?

Okay so I've never seen a vampire before. But apprently they look abnormal. That's all I know about them, and that they obviously drink blood. Being a living breathing blood bag myself, I'm not exactly eager to arrive. But Quil is really high tailing it to the Cullen's or to Jake. I wasn't really sure which one it was. And I didn't know who I'd prefer over the two options. 

Options are as follows:

a) Potential fuck buddy, that did refuse my services. But still wants to marry me? If not not fuck me over a little becuase we're 'imprints'.  Plus he said I love you. For the second time, and I still don't know if it's genuine or if it's just Jake being...well Jake. 

b) Potentially deadly fuckers that claim they're 'vegan' because they suck animals dry?. Literally the exact opposite of a vegan, so yeah I'm not buying that shit. 

...I really didn't like my options. However, I continued to grip Quil's fur tightly in anticipation. This was it, time to be boss ass bitch. 

Quil suddenly stopped and huffed. I hesitated before I started crawling off him and making my way behind a tree. I waited maybe ten minutes or so before I heard him calling out to me.

"April, I need pants!"

I rolled my eyes. "Well gee Quil, why don't you pull some out of the bag then?"

I heard a low growl behind me. "Don't you think I'd ask you only after I'd looked in the one place we're keeping all my shit ?!?"

I looked up at the tops of the surrounding trees in frustration. "So you left them at Charlie's?"

He paused. "Or I..."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "You what ?"

"...Ripped them"

What an idiot!. I smirked behind my tree. "I bet you're glad I made you keep that pair of underwear now aye?"

I heard approaching footsteps and Quil was suddenly infront of me in only a singlet and underwear. "Shut up Ace".

I held my hands up in defence. "I didn't say anything"

He shook his head at me and muttered. "But you were thinking it"

I smiled lightly and nudged his arm. "Was only thinking why you decided to ask little old me to prom when you've got such a bi-"

A cough made both of us jump in suprise and we turned around to come face to face with...Leah.

She looked mad. The word livid comes to mind. I wonder if Quil had been able to communicate with her or not?. She stood glaring us down with her arms crossed infront of her. I think I just gulped in fear, she's like mum 2.0.

She huffed before marching up to us, well more so to me while on a rampage. Before I knew it Quil pushed himself infront of me and growled lowly in warning.

Leah halted in her movements and scoffed. "Really?". She tipped her head to the side so that she could make eyecontact with me. "Of all people, you pick Quil to be you're first in command?".

I could feel instant annoyance start to bubble up in me and I knew it was Quil's annoyance and not mine. I glared back at my sister. "Well, maybe if someone hadn't run away, then I'd have more options".

Is she jealous I picked Quil? It's not like I had a choice. Plus, I thought it was a title no one wanted. Although now that I think about it Embry was a little desperate for it.

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