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The week seemed to go by quickly it was Friday and I was about to make it my mission in life to go to that god damn party. I mean I'd like to see my mum stop me and what's the worst she could do? ground me again?

When I got home from school, I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't my mother, Leah, Emily and Kim Cornwell of all people to be in my kitchen. When I walked in, they all instantly stopped talking and I felt unwelcome in my own bloody house. They had just been talking about me that much was obvious. My mum greeted me in a hug something I still wasn't used to. This was awkward, I didn't know what do or how to break the ice. I could leave the room but I'm sure my mother would give me an ear full on how disrespectful that is and I just didn't have the mental capacity to hear that right now. So, I opted with lingering in the doorway like child who doesn't know what to do when they're stuck in a room full of adults with no other children to play with.

"April sweetheart why don't you take a seat next to Kim here, I doubt you can hear us over there" My mum's tone was sweet but don't fooled, Sue Clearwater was glaring at the spot next to Kim as if to say don't make me come over there and drag you here myself. I sighed, I doubted Kim would appreciate that I've been making her life miserable since sophomore year.

"That's okay I'm alright over here" was my ever-confident reply. Leah's head seemed to perk up from my response and whipped towards mum to see how she'd handle it. While my cousin who was all to familiar with the knowledge that my mum had a degree in being passive aggressive and killing you with a look just raised her eyebrows at me. The look was something both her daughters seemed to inherit.

"April need I remind you that your grounded and on thin ice as it is, I wouldn't push If I were you young lady" point made I guess. "Now sit next to Kim and stop being so rude. You haven't even greeted your cousin yet, instead you've chosen to sulk in the corner about god knows what"

Damn this sucks. I sat in the chair next Kim ignoring Leah who was smirking at me and nodded a hello to Emily. I chose not to listen to whatever they were discussing, instead I chose to figure out how I was escaping to tonight's party my plans were foiled however when Emily mentioned a bonfire tonight and mother said that our entire family was going which apparently includes me!

"What?!? You can't all be serious I'm not going to some lame bonfire" 

You'd think I'd have just said I killed a puppy or something. I kid you not their reactions were dramatic as fuck.

It was like a chain of reactions, Kim gasped, Leah looked like she was two seconds away from punching me in the face and Em shook her head in disappoint at me. But boy oh boy did Sue Clearwater have something to say.

"April Mae Clearwater! this bonfire is being hosted by the Blacks and is an honorary council meeting and its crucial that we all attend. I will not have you degrading it with your petty nonsense, you will attend and you will be respectful do you understand?"

Hands on her hips, full blown glare, yep she was my mother all right.

"April that wasn't a rhetorical question" I sighed

"Yeah okay I'll be respectful" god how mortifying and in front Kim and Em too.

"Good, now we're late so let's all get in the car"

Apparently this bonfire/council meeting was being held in the Black's yard and I still had no idea why I had to attend. Scratch that as our car rolled up to the Black's little red house I figured out exactly what this was and why I was here. It was obviously a Cult meeting and I was obviously about to be brainwashed into it. Forced into it by my mother of all people. When we got out of the car I gave her my most betrayed look to which she sighed and rolled eyes. Then if you can believe it she left me standing there alone to go greet everyone.

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