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I'm soaked. Literally from head to toe. And I'm blaming Jacob Black because I can and because it's partially his fault!

I stomped up my porch steps while muttering profanities under my breath. Only to scream and freeze half way up when my ears felt like they were being attacked by a hundred howls. Guess shits going down in the pack. I'll have to get the tea off Seth later when he comes home. I hated being out of the loop now that I technically knew everything. Plus Seth's the easiest to manipulate out of my two siblings. 

When I got inside I realised I had the house to myself. A fucking rarity. So I decided to make the most of it. I threw myself a happy little bubble bath and binged watched a shit ton of Disney movies. I know what you're thinking, April Clearwater the ice queen likes Disney movies?!? The answer is yes I fucking do, fight me if you've got problem with that. 

I wasn't expected to be so rudely awaken the next morning by my mother literally shaking me. 

"Hmmm but Mum it's a-uhh Sunday, that's a we sleeps in day". I muttered while rolling to the other side of my bed to avoid her shaking hands. 

"April up!, I need you up! I can't find Seth and...Leah left a note!". 

Damn she's in a panic spiral, what a worry wort.

I growled in frustration and opened my eyes to find my alarm clock blaring 6:39, I'm going to kill her. "Mum! If Leah left a note then she's not dead. And if Seth doesn't come home no gain no loss really. We've all been fourteen once, he's probs just tried alcohol for the first time and blacked out at Colin's or something". 

Seriously she woke me up for this?!?. I rolled over and closed my eyes. The amount of times I never showed up the next day and she doesn't blink an eye. Oh but precious Seth and Leah don't come home and she nearly has a panic attack? Go figure. Plus Leah left a goddamn note so she obviously isn't missing!

I felt my blankets being ripped off me violently and looked up at my mother in surprise. What the actual fuck?

She was glaring down at me in what looked like betrayal for not caring. "April Clearwater! This is serious and for once I need your complete and utter cooperation here! If not for me" I rolled my eyes at how serious she was being. "Then do it for your siblings! They've gone against Sam, against the pack and the tribe. They're lives are in danger! All My babies! Our family!. At seven we're going to a council meeting held by Sam and I need your support. If we don't advocate for them then the pack might slaughter them along with Jacob. April! I need your help in convicting the elders to help save our tribe before this gets even more out of hand!" 

I just stared blankly at her. What the actual fuck is she talking about?!?

"Urgh! What'd they do now?". 

My mum sighed and shoved Leah's note in my face.

"Sweetheart it's not what they did, it's what Jacob did."

I sighed and decided to read the bloody note that was just so important that I had to be so rudely woken up for. Bloody Leah!


I'm sorry for what I'm doing but I think I'm doing the right thing, for Seth anyway. I don't agree with protecting it but I won't stand by and allow Sam to command me to hurt my brother. Besides, anything that happens to Jake would somehow effect April so I guess I'm doing this for both of my idiot siblings. I'll protect him don't worry. I know what this means and yeah I'm sorry.


I looked up at my mum's anxious face then skimmed red the note again and looked back up at her in confusion. 

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