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I never thought I could watch someone pace for a solid thirty minutes but alas here I am on a stump in the middle of the goddamn woods watching an idiot pace back and forth. Jacob would occasionally stop, look at me, shake his head and then continue his pacing. I low key think the only reason why I didn't stop him was because he was shirtless and basically giving me a free show. Of course, he just had to have on that brooding disappointed look...the one that makes me weak in the knees, hence the stump.

Okay so I guess today I may have appeared like a problem child, but it's not like he didn't already know I was, as he so kindly put it 'messed up'. Honestly what was he expecting that I'd just do as I was told because we made out one time at his house? If I was to be frank, he didn't know me, and I didn't know him. I just knew he liked cars and had questionable taste in friends. What we had was sexual tension and he was currently at the top of my list to be my next fuck buddy. But that's it, since Paul I don't date, and I needed someone to replace Alec...Jacob seems the obvious choice. However, Jacob comes with baggage. Baggage such as the cult, my siblings and apparently pacing.

I cleared my throat. "As much as I love you kidnapping me during school, only to bring me to the middle of nowhere and then proceeded to not making out with me...well I think its best if we call it a day."

That caused him to suddenly stop his pacing and look at me. But honestly if he wasn't going to make out with me then what are we doing out here? I mean its creepy to bring a girl to the middle of the woods and then just pace in front of me for half an hour.

"You think I kidnapped you?" he blinked down at me

"Well duh! Did you ask me to ditch with you? Or did you forcefully pick me up bridle style without my consent and start running out of the building? Because you may be interested to know that the law considers that kidnapping and you're lucky I'm not going to Charlie to press charges."

He rose his eyebrows "You actually think Charlie would take your side over mine?"

I got into my defensive stance "He's engaged to my mother! of course he'd take my side, why wouldn't he?"

"Uh because you've never actually talked to him and...oh yeah you don't know him!"

I gasped. But in truth he'd just hit the nail on the head. So, I didn't talk to Charlie or make any effort to get to know him better. But could you blame me? It didn't take him long to swoop in and comfort my mum if you know what I mean. At least I acknowledged him with a nod every so often...Leah just straight up glares at him, even heard her growl at him once or twice.

"Well doesn't matter, I was a grieving girl in distress because of you! you'd be a goner either way. Kidnapping is a serious offence nowadays anyone would take my side"

The asshole smirked at me. "Well if your so traumatized by it I think our only option is to report it to Sam, after all he's responsible for the wellbeing of the La Push residents, If it's distressed you so much then we need action"

Well fuck!

Sam Uley. By God he's probably one of the only cult members I've successfully managed to avoid. Mainly in fear that he'd brainwash me into joining his cult. Not to mention he's a dick for turning my sister into an even bigger bitch then she already was. I know I hate allot of people but Samuel-Fucking-Uley was at the very top of my kill list. First he broke it off with my sister for our cousin, stole Paul (the greatest thing in my life at the time), stole both siblings (how he managed to convince Leah I have no idea), Put my mother on the council (again she ignored me after that)...do you want me to go on?!? because I can for like a billion years!

I glared back at Jacob. I wouldn't lose a fight to this guy because it then means I'm one step closer to losing this stupid bet, so against my better judgment the dreaded words left my mouth.

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