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I still had a fuck ton of questions. But I knew the legends, had heard it all practically since birth. I didn't need a back ground lesson, it's more like accepting that it's all real. Legends are real, yep that still doesn't sound right.

My mother was obviously done talking, and I'd ripped my hand out of her's like she'd slapped me. Telling me to accept it or die? Unbelievable, Mother of the year over here.

And we were all in awkward silence. I think deep down they still expected me to run or something. Apparently Emily locker herself in a bathroom for two hours, Kim fainted and Rachel cried. What did I do?

Swear at Jacob, talk to myself, run away screaming and cry into my mothers arms. I really outdid myself. Not to mention that was after finding out for a second time!

"Here I made you this". Someone was pushing a peanut butter sandwich in front of me. I looked up at Seth, his eyes were red from crying and he was giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I'll just leave it here...on your lap, try not to freak out it can't hurt you. I'm sorry we didn't tell you about any of this. But Sam gag ordered both Leah and I not too. We figured Mum would eventually tell you but she thought you'd be safer if you didn't know. We sorta ignored you somehow in the process and I realised that none of us have really apologised for that. So I'm  sorry, I'm sorry you were alone at dad's funeral, that we ignored for two years to the point you'd get drunk every night at 3am and  I'm sorry that I've been such a bad brother to you". Sobbing. Seth was sobbing and chocked up, I was surprised that he was able to get that all out. 

I carefully took the plate off my lap and set in on the floor. Sometime during his little speech silent tears had ended up on my cheeks. I walked over to him but hesitated when I was actually  standing in front of Seth. I almost forgot that he could shift into a killer wolf at any motherfucking second and suddenly I was shaking.

His glassy eyes met mine and he gave me the puppy eyes. I hated that look, like I'd ever kill a puppy!

He let out a sob "it's okay Ace, when you're re'

I latched onto my brother and hugged the crap out of him. I don't care what anyone in this room thinks. Seth gave me real comfort and apologised for all the family's bullshit. That's allot more than anyone's done to for me in the past two years. 

So that's why two Clearwaters were sobbing in each other's arms in the Black's living room. A cough behind us broke our hug. I turned behind me to find Leah awkwardly standing behind us, unshed tears forming in her eyes. She opened her mouth and I knew she was jumping on the apology express.

I hugged her before she had a chance to utter a word. 

"You have no idea how sorry I am".

"It's okay, we'll be okay" she sniffed as a response. I looked up at her face.

"I forgive you, but I can still hate you right?"

She smirked back "Obviously, I'm already two years behind on torment". 

Oh it's so on. You know once I'm done having a mental breakdown and all. 

Seth then decided to join to us. They were so warm and both of them hugging me at the same time felt like being trapped by the sun.

"The gangs back to together again!". God what a freak.

Leah sighed "Don't make it weird Seth"

I snorted. Trust. 

"Right. I think we've all taken up enough of your time Billy. We should probably start to say goodbye". My mother stood infront of us her hands on both Leah and Seth's shoulders. I immediately broke the hug, no way would I let her join our apology express!

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