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My head was pounding...not really a new sensation for me to wake up to. No, what made this morning different was that my room was crowded with people. Oh, and apparently according to the sky it's night...go figure.

My hand was burning so obviously a cult member was trying to burn my skin off. I tried wiggling my hand out of theirs but to no avail.

I muttered into my pillow "fesh off". Which I guess wasn't clear enough to get my point across. I heard a rather dramatic sigh from beside me and opened my eyes only to be met with endless pools of brown. Ugh so Jacob was at my bedside. Wait a minute why the fuck was Jacob Black in my room and holding my hand?

"Why are you all in my room?" I removed my hand from Jacobs and eyed everyone suspiciously. Jacob, Seth, Embry, Quil and Leah were all in my room and I had no idea why. Well I had a couple ideas. Idea one was that I had become a day drinker and passed out someplace weird only for one of theses assholes to find me and bring me home. Afterall would've explained my pounding head and why I'm waking up in the middle of the night. Although I doubt Leah would care if a guy carried me home passed out drunk. Yep Leah would rather leave me outside to die.

My question seemed to worry Jacob because he instantly went to grab my hand and I instantly went to snatch my arm out of reach. I heard my sister snicker, but I didn't care if I looked like an idiot, I didn't like how comfortable Jacobs touch was making me.

He sighed "You fainted in my yard". Huh. I found that really bloody unlikely. Afterall I don't faint especially just out of the blue, apart from when my dad died.

I looked at him accusingly. "So why the hell did I faint?". He gave me a soft smile.

"Well apparently you weren't feeling well. My dad said you just vomited in front of him and didn't even bat an eyelash and you weren't breathing properly when I saw you." The fuck. I spewed in front of the Chief of our Tribe at his house?. Jesus what did I take?

"...and why on earth was I even at your house to begin with?" His brows creased in confusion as if the he'd haven't even considered it.

"Oh, that's easy! You were looking for a phone!". I could tell Seth was eager to get a word in by volume of his voice. I visibly cringed due to the pain his voice induced and then glared at my brother. And looking for a phone? Since when do I go without the light of my life?

"I went somewhere without my phone?". My voice sounded pained and I swear I saw Embry roll his eyes from the corner of my room.

"Apparently". I turned my head towards Leah who was leaning in the doorway. She seemed to pull off bored and concerned at the same bloody time. Okay then. I sighed this is awkward...

"Was I on drugs?". Leah merely raised her eyebrows at me as if I was an idiot.

"And just how on earth would I know the answer to that? It's not as if my life's ambition is to make sure my idiot of a little sister doesn't drink or take drugs". She shrugged.

I sighed "Leah please don't tell mum I did drugs"

"Shit April, What the fuck did you take?". I turned my head towards Jacob who looked like he was ten seconds away from a heart attack. I sighed and sent him a slight smile.

"I don't know. I can't remember but I mean that's what normally happens". Yeah, He just started shaking after that.

"I'm sorry when have you ever done drugs?" I whipped my head to Quil who was shacking like a fucking leaf.

I sighed. "Only once but I think I just have a reaction to it, I mean vomiting and passing out is usually what happens...which is why I don't do it...apart from today obviously". Quil's shaking subsided slightly, Seth was looking at me with puppy dog eyes, Embry looked uncomfortable and Leah was pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

Seth's voice was allot more quiet now. "So, you only hugged me and held my hand because you were high and didn't remember you hated me?". He looked like he about to two seconds from letting those tears in his eyes shed. I could feel Leah glaring daggers into my head right now. I sighed.

"Nah, even high you have to at least vaguely like someone to hug them and ...hold their hand". Honestly, I'm glad slight memory loss is a side effect of drugs even though I swore I'd never go near the stuff after freshman year. Who wants to remember doing bat shit crazy stuff like holding my brother's hand?

Jacob looked a fucking wreck...broken even. I looked into his eyes and there was so much going on. Love, betrayal, anger and fear just to name a few. I smirked at him.

"How are you feeling Jacob, because your looking pretty broken to me". Okay so maybe saying that in front of everyone here was a bit much. But honestly what did I care...most of the people in here were practically strangers anyways. Leah and Seth looked confused, Embry smirked and Quil looked mad as hell.

He surprised me. He smirked back at me, grabbed my face and kissed me. Well I wasn't expecting that. Dominance we both fought for it, I tried with all might to beat him, but sooner or later I fell at ease and found myself in that absolute bliss that is kissing Jacob Black.

His forehead was resting on mine and I didn't know if my head was dizzy from the kiss or whatever I took today. Then he undid me with three little words. Three words were all it took to shatter my world. To break me.

"I love you. If you have a drug problem, I don't mind fixing that sweetheart". He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room full of so much fucking swagger. He stopped next my sister in the doorway and smirked back me. "Hope that didn't break you, I'd hate to propose so soon". He walked out my room leaving me with the others. The silence was unbearable, and I couldn't face anyone. So, I just looked down at my hands trying to process that someone was capable of loving the human disaster that is myself.

"What the actual fuck was that?!?" I wasn't at all surprised by my sister's reaction. She huffed and seemed to follow Jacob outside. Which just leaves Seth, Embry and the Disease left in my room. Do I say something? What was there to say? 'Sorry you had to watch me make out with the guy that sexually frustrates me and low key wants to marry me'. Yeah, I think I'll stick with staring at my hands.

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