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What the actual fuck am I doing?!?

Am I really this desperate for company?

Is it weird?

I mean he's not my stepdad but yet he's not technically a stranger. He practically lives at my house so I guess it's not weird. If anything it's weird that he wants to watch the game at Billy's house and not mine. 

Seriously, what's wrong with watching it at my house?!?

Is it Leah? Is he worried about Leah growling at him? 

I can't exactly explain to Charlie why I don't want to go to Billy's house. He'd probably just call child protective services and then he'd find out that his daughter basically sighed up for an eternity as a human blood bag. And then I'd have to kiss my new friend goodbye. 

I sighed. I'm currently standing in front of the wooden red door trying to find the motivation to knock. Did Billy know I was joining him and Charlie? God this will be awkward. Billy might question why the prom queen of La Push and his secret future daughter in law would rather watch a game with two forty year olds then go to the party that's literally two streets away. 

Not mention he'd be confused about my sudden interest in Charlie and seeing me not being offended by the very sight of him. Like I used to be...like Leah still is. I literally think Leah would murder me if she she knew I'd recently been spending quality time with Charlie. We don't agree on anything but we both agreed that he took advantage of mum by hooking up two weeks after my dads death. Now we don't even have that cause Charlie ain't so bad. He's a tad awkward but I talk enough for the both of us that it's not weird...I think he likes that. Apparently he doesn't like silence but isn't a big talker, go figure.

But what if Jakes in there?!? This is his house, and I refuse to be anywhere close to that guy. I plan on only touching his hand for exactly twenty seconds before homeroom everyday at school and then go on ignoring him for every other second of my existence, so I literally don't die. That's my new plan. I'll have to endure a slight itch on weekends from loss of contact but fucking worth it. Me being in his house might be going against that...maybe not if I avoid touching him. Fuck it!.

I banged on the door in what I hoped wasn't aggressively. It's literally raining but when is it not in La Push.

Paul answered the door. He was casually leaning shirtless against the doorframe and I was almost hurt that he didn't do it for me anymore. He was smirking knowingly and had the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows at me. "You just missed him, but I bet if you run after him now you'd be able to catch up in the woods". He ended his sentence with a wink and I think I just threw up my lunch. Fucking disgusting.

"Just what kinda kinky shit do you think I'm into?!?. He's old not to mention he's dating my mother! You sick perverted freak!".

Paul's face scrunched in disgust. "Jake's dating your mum now? Man that's a whole new level of weird even for an ex leach lover's lover". 

"Woah, hold up Jake? I'm talking about Charlie".

"Charlie? He's inside. Wait! Does Charlie know?"

I gave him a dumbfounded look, before I remembered that I'm talking to the worlds biggest idiot.

"Just move outta the way you Oaf". I push passed him and into the Black's house. 

Thank god Rachel is literally a genius otherwise I'd fear for when this one procreates. The world doesn't need more idiots. Can't believe I used to find that level of stupidity endearing.

I casually sat on the coach closest to the door and prayed that this wouldn't be weird. I liked it when it was just Charlie and I. We had a real un-biological father/daughter friendship going. I didn't like the idea of 'extras' hanging around. Especially if they were supposed to be my future family in-law, something that still made me sick in the stomach by the thought of. 

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