expulsions and barstools

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May 28, 1976
11:57 am

"Run!" Anneliese shouted with a huge smile on her face as she sprinted down the grey stone hallways of Ilvermorny, her cranberry colored robes flowing behind her. "Do you honestly think that's fast, you idiot? Hurry up!"

Her tanned cheeks were covered in a flustered splatter of freckles that were accompanied by a heavy blush that happened whenever she ran, no matter how substantial her stamina was from getting chased by teachers so often.

"We weren't all raised on some farm in Tennessee where we got muscles!" Leo shouted back, his chest heaving with the effort of keeping up with her. "Is anyone even following us?"

The two Thunderbirds paused for a moment, looking back at them to see if any teachers had caught them. There were a few moments of silence where they could only hear their hearts beat and the torches with light blue flames crackle before what sounded like a stampede sounded around the corner.

"Yep, never mind, they are definitely following us!" Anneliese shouted, grabbing Leo's hand with her tattooed one and pulling him around the corner with her. "I don't think they'll come this way!"

"No, they won't," Leo said with relief, pressing his back against the stone wall next to hers with a wide smile as they turned their necks towards one another. "Maybe we can actually-"

They were cut off by the Ilvermorny caretaker, Abel Finnegan glaring at them with a lantern in hand.

"I've got you now, you little hooligans," he said in a growling voice that most people would find intimidating, but Anneliese just rolled her dark blue eyes.

"Come on, sir, you know that we didn't do any real harm," Anneliese drawled with a sweet smile. "No one was hurt this time."

"You destroyed the entire top half of the Horned Serpent tower!" Finnegan roared, making Leo's hazel eyes widen.

"It isn't destroyed, it's just turned into cantaloupes!" she shouted back. "Easily undone!"

"Headmaster Sayre said that you might be able to stay if you had good behavior for the last few weeks of school, but that clearly isn't going to happen!" the caretaker shouted, grabbing Anneliese and Leo by their upper arms and dragging them towards his office only a corridor away.

A pit sunk in her stomach at the words might be able to stay, but Anneliese pushed it away as quickly as she could. If there was one thing she had learned at the orphanage, it was that you always had to have hope.

Sometimes her cynical attitude got the better of that lesson.

Finnegan pushed open the heavy birch door angrily, making it slam against the smooth, light blue brick wall only yelling good luck gruffly on his way out.

Much to Anneliese's alarm, Sayre was already sitting at her desk waiting for her and Leo to arrive, as if she had been expecting them.

"Afternoon," Anneliese said clearly, sitting down at the chair in front of the headmaster and kicking her violet converse up on the desk carelessly. "How are you, headmaster?"

Sayre's dark, tight features were completely unamused.

"It has come to my attention that you and Leo Anderson have turned the Horned Serpent tower into cantaloupes?" she asked, yet when Leo opened his mouth to answer, she held up a cold hand. "I expected more from you, Leo."

"Yes mom," he muttered ashamedly as Sayre then turned to Anneliese with a much more unforgiving expression.

Sayre's favoritism towards her son was one thing that made her blood boil, no matter how much she loved Leo. Ever since their first year and beginning of their friendship, Anneliese would unfairly get into more trouble rather than her son.

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