heartstrings and normality

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dedicated to: @RegulusBlacksLover bc theyre the person who gets me through this one

im starting school and volleyball today, which means i get home at 7 every night from practice and school, which means that writing is gonna be crammed in there BUT im still going to work super hard to get these out for yall. i hope you guys stick with me here and keep coming and commenting as u start as well. love u <3

January 8, 1978
2:09 pm
Gryffindor Common Room

Anneliese pushed her lips against three of her fingers and pressed them against the frame containing the piece of burned carpet hanging on the wall of the common room.

Marlene, Alice, Dorcas, and Lily followed suit behind her, all of them paying their respects to the Pillowfight upon entering the tower. It wasn't just the seventh years who did this anymore, but every Gryffindor who had any sense of house pride and self respect.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth years had picked up on it from the oldest, and then the little ones had done the same out of the desire to fit in with the older kids, even the eleven year old first years who could barely reach high enough.

"I understand your decision," Alice said with a nod towards the others. "But given that your decision is stupid, I am going to ignore it."

"You and I remember the process of this decision making very differently," Marlene said earnestly. "It's all of our decisions, including yours."

"Last time I checked, I was more than a little tipsy," Alice grumbled as Dorcas practically pushed her up the stairs. "I cannot believe that we're doing this."

"Well, if you don't believe in keeping your word, at least believe in Rule Eight," Lily said with a bright, overly cheery grin. "If one of us messes up, we all do."

"See, but if we're guaranteed to mess up, then why not just prevent it in the first place?" Fortescue suggested hopefully as Anneliese slammed the door shut. "This is all very irrational."

"Alice," Lily sighed, grabbing James's light green bucket hat from her bedside table that was now used whenever they needed to draw things. "What's the worst case scenario? You're going to look amazing no matter what."

"You better hope," Alice grumbled, joining them in the circle. "This is such a bad idea."

"Do it for the house," Dorcas said with a firm nod. "Do it for the squad. Do it for the story. Do it for the joke. Do it for the girls."

"You can't justify everything by saying do it for the joke," Alice said, and Anneliese squinted her eyes and shook her head in disagreement. "Anneliese, literally shut up. This is like shaving off someone's eyebrows in their sleep but it's for the joke."

"You know, that actually isn't a bad idea," Marlene muttered, and Fortescue threw a pillow at her. "RIGHT- right- sorry. But we need to hurry up and do this already, because our next class starts in forty eight minutes."

"This is gonna be so bad," Alice whimpered, holding her head in her hands. "At least Leo was an option last time we drew things."

"What, do you not trust us?" Anneliese teased, sitting down next to her. "Actually, don't answer that question. Just remember, at least I'm not pregnant. That's the phrase you gotta keep repeatin to yourself."

"Fine," Alice said, drawing her knees to her chest. "Dorcas, go first."

"Great," Dorcas said with a casual shrug that made Fortescue sighed in amusement. "YES! I GOT THE BEST ONE! FUCKING TONGUE PIERCING! LET'S GO!"

ink - sirius blackOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara