exhaustion and blue lips

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i found james potter at my school. its him. i won. and i got his snap.

January 31, 1978
12:00 am
The Black Lake

There was a loud splash as Anneliese and Sirius jumped into the freezing water, going down together in a froth of kicking limbs and bubbles.

The air froze in Sirius's lungs as he kicked up from the inkinesss all around him in a thick blanket, soaked to the bone.

The starlight glistened all across the rippled water from the collisions of bodies onto its surface, a rebellious streak of white cutting through the night. The pale, silvery glow reflected onto Anneliese's tan skin, making her seem like some kind of angel.

Sirius watched as she tilted her neck back to take a deep breath of in of the winter night air, collarbones splayed with swaths of her golden hair.

Their legs took them to the shore, and the second their feet were close enough to the shore to touch the bottom, Sirius gently sat her down against the smooth ground, Anneliese's arms already around his neck.

Black's mouth went onto hers swiftly, hands clutching onto her wet sides through the fabric of her t-shirt. Anneliese kissed him back, euphoria filling her to the point where she almost started laughing for no reason in particular.

He planted the devastating gentle, long kisses against her chilled lips, his hands moving up her to her high back, forearms cradling her spine softly as he smiled and pulled her closer to him, the night surrounding them in black velvet.

Their foreheads pressed together, exhales mingling and clouding all around them in elegant swirls made of the tiny specks of their breathless lungs, air stolen away by the other.

"Happy birthday," Sirius whispered, her wet hair tangled across his arms as they held onto her back. "I think we made the cut for jumping in right at midnight."

"I think that I'm going to freeze to death if we don't get back into that tree," she whispered back as he stood up, extending his hand down to her. "If I can even still move my legs."

"Well, I have a solution for that," he grinned, suddenly scooping her up in his arms, a ripple of water the only evidence that the lovers had just been in the water. "I'll carry you."

Anneliese pressed her cheek against his chest as they moved like a blur of wind along the shore, Sirius gently setting her down on the cool, soft moss only once they had gotten to the base of the tree hanging over the lake they had jumped from in the first place.

The two of them paused every few seconds of climbing up to kiss each other, clutching both onto the other's waist and the tree's enormous branches in order to keep their balance.

They eventually got back up to the sturdy, wide bough they had set their things up on earlier that night, each grabbing a corner of the enormous wool blanket they brought with them and wrapping it around both of their shivering backs, spines visible through plastered on shirts.

Their feet dangled above the lake as they huddled in closer to each other, staring out onto the reflection of the shimmering stars all across the rippling lake.

A gust of wind blew up all around them, pressing the blanket tighter against their skin and creating a whistling sound as the movement rushed through the wispy tree they were entangled in.

"I got you something," Sirius said after they had listened to the wind for a few minutes and taken in all the peace they could get from each other and it, pulling a small box from a large knot of the tree he had stashed it in earlier that night. "Well, I got it a while ago during the Christmas holidays, but I wanted to wait until your birthday to give it to you."

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