anonymity and frantic evenings

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July 9, 1977
7:09 am
Potter Manor

Sirius hadn't slept much after Anneliese left. The rest of the Potters came back at around two in the morning with a win for the Wasps, and Black was already in his room with the door locked by the time that happened.

Black couldn't wipe the small smirk off his face as he pulled a pair of low slung pajama pants over his boxers and redid his bun with his wand as he went downstairs. The memories of last night were too fresh.

He wasn't planning on telling the other Potters that the girls had used their pool, because he really didn't see the point when the situation was already over. Apparently, though, the noise complaint had gotten to Mia as Sirius walked into the kitchen from the expression on her face.

The whole room smelled like browning butter and lemon dish soap, along with the gentle hiss of Mia flipping pancakes and soft rush of warm, sudsy water as James and Fleamont washed dishes together at the sink.

"How'd you sleep, love?" she asked, gesturing to a full kettle for him to get some tea. "Hope nothing made you stay up too late last night."

"Well," Sirius lied, eyeing her with slight suspicion as he poured some boiling water off the stove into a mug. "Why do you ask?"

"Am I not allowed to be concerned about my son?" Euphemia asked with a raised eyebrow and hands on her hips. "And after the noise complaint that Mrs. Burkett told me about, I am very curious as to what you were doing."

"If it was music-"

"No, Sirius, I'm talking about the moaning."

There was a loud crash from the sink as James dropped a glass against the white porcelain and started coughing into his elbow rapidly from shock and Fleamont just sighed and shook his head with mild amusement.

Sirius blinked a few times as he slowly sunk a tea bag into his cup, not taking his eyes away from Euphemia's knowing that would make him appear more suspicious and guilty.

"Is that so?" he asked, trying to fight the corners of his mouth from going into a smirk. "Perhaps Mrs. Burkett is becoming hard of hearing in her old age."

"Or perhaps you neglected using a Silencing Charm on our fence because you found it too bothersome or you truly don't care," Euphemia said with a tight smile. "I feel like that is much more likely in this scenario."

"Is one neighbor hearing moans really that bad?" Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow. "I know that I certainly didn't mind it-"

Black jumped behind the large wooden island to avoid the soft, light green oven mitt that Mia threw at his head with a surprising amount of strength.

James just rolled his eyes and tried to focus on getting the burnt brownie batter off of this damn pan from when Sirius had attempted to make his mother's famous recipe a few days ago.

"Sirius Orion Black you tell me what girl or boy was in our backyard yesterday night this instant," Euphemia said in a stern tone, trying to push down her amusement. "And I'll know if you're lying."

Sirius's eyes widened in confusion, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at Mia.

"Uhm, A, obviously," he said in a dubious tone, the answer obvious to him. "You really don't think that I would make someone else moan so that all the neighbors could hear while I'm with her, right-"

"Sirius!" Fleamont exclaimed in a barely scolding tone as James was steadily turning deeper and deeper red. "Must you really say that at every chance that you get?"

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