lips and sheets

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February 15, 1977
9:37 pm
New York City

In the past six months since Sirius first met Anneliese, he hadn't kissed a single person. He could have slept with anyone, pulled them aside in a broom cupboard somewhere, and gotten his fill whenever he pleased.

There were plenty of people lined up if he showed even the faintest interest.

But there was some sort of weird feeling that he got in his stomach whenever he pictured kissing someone besides Anneliese in this past half year, almost an instinct that felt like he was betraying what he really wanted.

Now, in the pouring rain, the reasoning for that weird feeling was becoming very clear.

When they had kissed in the Leaky Cauldron, they had been two total strangers. Anneliese had needed help to get away from that boy who was bothering her, and Sirius had simply been there and looked like he wasn't a total dick.

To her surprise even then, the random boy at the tavern had kissed her back without hesitation, and she still remembered the sharp taste on his tongue even to this day.

Sirius had been thoroughly amused and shocked by the girl, along with somewhat impressed at her nerve.

But as months passed, Black and Callaway had several near misses of their lips touching again, countless times when both of them felt the tension rising but didn't know how to act on it.

And now, those dozens of weeks had exploded.

Neither of them had made the conscious decision to do this, it was just instinct after so long.

Instinct fueled by desire and longing and dreams when both of them had pictured this experience vividly only to wake up and it not be real.

But now it was very, very real.

With his hand gripped on the back of her neck and the other tangled in her wet, golden hair, Sirius had his eyebrows furrowed from how hard he was kissing Anneliese, grey eyes shut to fully absorb the sensation of her soft lips against his.

There was nothing calm, reserved, or held back about the way they were holding onto one another, only fierce fingers and strangled sounds coming from the backs of their throats as the touch intensified.

Anneliese pressed her skeleton tattooed hand against his chest, palm flat against his soaking shirt as the other was on the back of his neck as well, the muscles pleasantly more firm than she had expected them to be.

Sirius slowly circled his thumb on the back of her neck as he kissed her, and that tiny, simple touch made Callaway's knees nearly go weak as a tiny breath shook her lungs.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at my hands before, Callaway," Sirius muttered against her lips. "You aren't that subtle."

"I didn't realize you were so preoccupied with where I'm looking," Anneliese replied with a tiny smile as she pulled away for a split second to reply. "So we're both guilty."

Sirius laughed slightly as the rain came down even harder, soaking them both down to the bone.

They wouldn't have been freezing cold if it weren't for the warm of one another's skin heating the other until the point of flushed cheeks and necks.

Still, both of them were longing for a bit more of a soft surface.

Sirius's fingers gripped around Anneliese's wrist, holding it closer to his chest for a few more seconds, it taking everything in him not to just stay out in the rain forever. He slowly moved her hand down until it was intwined with his at their waists.

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