comparisons and breakdowns

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February 15, 1977
8:31 pm
Queenie's Apartment

Anneliese was so unprepared for anything to snap her out of reading the love letter that she actually felt a jolt go through her stomach and yelped slightly at the knock on the door.

Tears were running down her cheeks uncontrollably, plastering her eyelashes to her face with the salty, warm liquid. The sobs shaking her shoulders as she held one hand over her mouth took over all of her senses, hands shaking with shock at what she had just read.

There wasn't even time to process what had happened before another knock sounded at the door.

The tears streaming down Anneliese's face was suddenly met by another, freezing cold liquid that made her neck turn to the side in confusion.

It had started to pour down rain in the New York City streets through the open window.

Legs weak and shaking, Callaway latched down the glass so that no more rain could reach through into the room and make her even more freezing than she already was.

The knocks sounded for a third time.

Queenie's going to know what to do, she told herself, tears not stopping as she wiped them away fruitlessly. She must have forgotten her key or something like that and doesn't want to do magic in the hallway.

Her fingers were violently shaking as she wiped her face with the back of her skeleton tattooed hand again as the other one swung the door open with her shoulders still slouched and eyes still squinted shut with tears.

"Queenie, thank god you-" she started, but immediately cut herself off when she saw who was really standing there.

Dumbledore was looking at her with a very calm, almost patronizing stare.

Callaway shut the door directly in his white bearded face.

The last thing that she needed right now on top of Sirius was her headmaster standing directly outside of the apartment she had tried to escape Hogwarts in.

"Miss Callaway, Queenie told me that you would let me into her apartment," he said with a calm tone that matched his expression Anneliese was certain that he was still wearing outside the door. "Just open the door and listen to what I have to say, how much harm can that really do?"

Gritting her teeth, Callaway walked away from the door and moved towards a gold framed mirror on the rose, white, and cream patterned wallpaper.

She was very sure this was one of the worst times she had ever looked in her life.

The mascara she had applied to go to breakfast with Queenie that morning was now running down her cheeks in two long, ebody streaks along with residue all around her eyelids. Her nose was flushed pink from sobbing, as well as the rims of her eyes being a very raw red.

Quickly running a brush through her tangled hair and wiping away most of the makeup, Anneliese straightened her shoulder to try and regain some of her composure before she walked over back to the front hallway.

When she walked back over to open the door again, Dumbledore had pulled out a pair of knitting needles from somewhere magically concealed in his silver robes and begun working on a very lopsided yellow scarf that would have made her laugh under any other circumstances while sitting on the green carpeted stairs.

"My apologies," he said, magically placing the project back in his robes with a wave of his hand. "I was expecting to have to wait here for a much longer time than that."

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