fakers and eavesdropping

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January 21, 1977
7:41 am
Great Hall

Just to start off, I would like to say that I can't believe that I'm writing this either. And from that, you can also guess that this is Sirius from Hogwarts writing this letter.

You've probably also guessed correctly that I fucked up.

A long time ago, James started off something called the Anneliese Black bet that Callaway and I would be together by the end of the year. As soon as I figured out, I tried to get rid of it as soon as possible by throwing the copies into the common room fire.

Unfortunately, she somehow found it over the Christmas holidays because James put an Anti-Burning Charm on it.

The bet launched us into a huge argument where both of us said some pretty awful things that we couldn't take back. One thing in particular was so bad for me that I hexed her. The hex didn't actually land and it was cast from anger, which is obviously no excuse, but it still happened.

The fight ended with her hexing a telescope behind me and the glass cutting me on the neck. Then your boyfriend came out and broke it up, and we all thought that it was going to be something private that we could work out on our own.

Turns out, the entire school found out in a matter of hours.

Everyone else talked to us before we could talk to each other, and some cruel things were said to both of us, but mainly Anneliese. Nearly the entire school has seemed to take a side in the fight they weren't even a part of, and it's destroying Callaway and I.

Every single thing that she does is twisted to sound horrible to half of the students, and everything is being blown out of proportion so much that some Ravenclaws hexed a bludger to break her shoulder.

A little over a week ago, some people stole her broom and carved horrible things into it.
The same day, I bought her a new one because of how destroyed it had become. That one thirty second thing is the most that I've talked to her in three weeks, and I feel like with every day that both of us wait to say something the possibilities just become even lower.

Since you've known her since you were eleven, I also assume that you already know some of the stuff that she told me. About the whole accidentally lighting an orphanage on fire thing, and all of that other stuff.

I don't know if this ever happened at Ilvermorny, but she's doing some things that are a bit questionable.

It all started a while back in Charms class when she was asking our professor about ways to make a charm more powerful, and he explicitly said that it was dark magic and not to do so. Then, at duelling club a few weeks later, she had figured out how to do exactly that.

Long story short, she's been keeping this little leather notebook full of very dangerous spells that she's invented. I've tried to tell her many times that it's just not safe, but she doesn't seem to care.

Now that her and I are becoming on less and less of speaking terms, she's just becoming more and more involved. Today James and I heard her in the library with a Slytherin testing out a new spell, and even he sounded scared.
She wouldn't listen to me even if I tried, so I really need your help.

Write to her, send a patronus, come here again for fuck's sake if that's what it really takes. Just please, try and get some sense into her. All of us are starting to get scared.


Sirius Black

The pureblood was having a very difficult time eating when he still hadn't received an answer from the American, even though he knew the post would be coming any second then.

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