confrontation and chaos

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some of you might not know what this means so imma define it up here:
pyromania - an obsessive desire to set fire to things

April 9, 1977
10:09 pm
Gryffindor Common Room

The second that Anneliese and Sirius heard someone beside them, they realized what they had done wrong, the mistake they had made. Usually, they were both incredibly cautious about where they kissed or more, even though Black did it somewhat regretfully but for the sake of Callaway.

But this time, Sirius and Anneliese had both been in such chaotic states of mind (not that Black knew what she didn't show) that they had done away with the usual cautions and just rushed out of the room as quickly as possible.

And of course with their combined luck that was practically in the negatives, this was the one time when the most nosy boy of them all had decided to follow his two friends out of the common room.

James Potter, of course.

His hazel eyes widened with shock as he turned the corner, casually rubbing his hands together with his head dipped until he froze in shock and saw his friend kissing his other friend with some hands involved as well.

A few steps behind him, Remus noticed Potter's falter in his steps, instantly anticipated what was coming, and made the unconscious decision after years of knowing James to lunge forward and slap his hand over Potter's mouth.

James rarely had a filter, and the only person who talked shit more than him was Marlene.

Unfortunately, Lupin only managed to cut off the profanity at the end of his speech, and a very loud 'WHAT THE-' was still shouted, alerting Sirius and Anneliese of their friend's presence.

Black and Callaway moved apart from one another so quickly that if James was slightly less arrogant and sure of himself then he might have thought they just very oddly tripped into one another.

None of the four knew what to say to break the awkward silence as they all just stared uncomfortably, and sputters of words just started flowing from their mouths.

"We were just-" Sirius sputtered, desperately glancing down at Anneliese, who provided no answers as she was in her own state of shock.

"We saw the lighter-" James offered with wide eyes, trying to give some sort of explanation of why they were out in the corridor in the first place.

Remus's green eyes in turn widened with shock at his friend's bluntness, and he gave James an exasperated look at his lack of tact.

"Prongs, shut the actual fuck up, or I will slap my hand over your mouth again-" he scolded forcefully before Anneliese cut him off with a protest of her own.

"We, really, I swear-" she stuttered with a desperate expression as a pit slowly caved into her stomach, realizing the weight of the situation in a second.

"Happened to press your lips together by accident?" James exclaimed, arms out in front of him with emphatic exasperation that rivaled Lupin's.

"Possibly," Sirius said with a raised eyebrow, smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

Potter had no idea why he wasn't more amused at this situation. He should be ecstatic, really, he had wanted this for months on end. Yet something about it just felt so wrong.

"You had your hands all over her, for fuck's sake," James said to Sirius, voice walking the thin line of disgust and apparent joking. "That's not-"

Black instantly registered how his best mate's expression, from the way Potter's head was tilted to the side slightly to how he had his eyes narrowed so fiercely, wasn't at all the way he would have guessed.

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