warnings and invitations

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November 12, 1976
1:03 pm
Charms Classroom

For the past hour, the sixth year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were working with Flitwick on many basic spells that they had performed since their first year, but now with the suffix major after them.

They had started off simple, with lumos major that filled the entire room blinding swells of white light and the occasional rouge explosion form a bit too of an enthusiastic incantation. Now, though, they had moved on to more complex charms, like alohomora major that could unlock a series of magical enchantments as long as the caster concentrated enough.

Anneliese and Sirius were, once again, sitting next one another as they practiced on the enchanted locks and keys in front of them.

"Alohomora major," Black muttered carelessly, swiftly flicking his wand at the key fluttering around in front of him. "When are we going to get to something hard?"

Anneliese rolled her eyes at him as she didn't charm her key like she was supposed to, instead letting it zip around the air in front of her for a few seconds before snatching it swiftly like it was a snitch.

"So much magic that all schools, Ilvermorny too, is just so inefficient," she said, letting her thoughts wander out loud as Sirius listened to her intently. "I don't understand why we have to use a more wordy spell on two objects, the lock and the key, when we could just create a more powerful one in the first place."

"A lot of times it's because the more powerful the spell, the more dangerous," he replied with an equal amount of consideration. "These work, really well, even if they are ridiculously easy."

His eyes shifted to where Alice was rapidly helping Frank snuff out where the parchment in front of him had violently caught on fire with too much enthusiasm in his incantation.

"Besides, Frank already nearly blew up that side of the room with one of these spells," he pointed out, running back at Anneliese with a grin. "I think they're dangerous enough at the moment."

"Yea, well some people might not be able to do them," Callaway said. "That doesn't mean that they shouldn't exist in the first place."

Sirius eyed her expression a bit oddly, his grin fading and said nothing as she bit her lower lip in thought for a few moments before raising her hand.

Flitwick looked over to where they were sitting after he finished helping Lily and Remus with their locks that James had jinxed to go absolutely haywire because he was bored.

"Yes, Miss Callaway?" he asked, the book stack that he was standing on moving underneath him instead of walking.

"I was just wondering why we don't make more powerful spells to do these kinds of things," she said bluntly. "Isn't it rather inefficient to have to do the same charm twice? And these are the ones that are supposed to be more powerful."

A few heads sitting near the two Gryffindors set down their wands to listen after hearing the mildly accusatory tone that Anneliese had spoken in.

Flitwick blinked a few times in surprise, having been expecting a more innocent question such as if the wrist movement she was using was correct, not questioning the principles of light magic itself.  

"Well, these powerful ones that we are doing right now are already getting a bit dangerous," Flitwick said slowly. "Anything more strong would be bordering on dark magic."

Sirius gave Anneliese an I told you so that she ignored.

"So you're saying that practicality is dark magic?" she asked in a dubious tone with challenging raised blonde eyebrows. "Isn't that a bit extreme?"

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