ends and beginnings

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tw: violence
this is the second to last chapter (next chapter is also up) so yall better spam the shit outta this with comments so we can have a good last memory of wattpad before i go

November 1, 1981
6:17 am
Potter Home

"She would have made such a beautiful bride," Lily whispered, tears spilling onto the thin, tawny paper and smearing the typed letters.

Anneliese always looked beautiful.

Her slender neck was bruised in a splatter of grayscale, and there was blood trickling from her nose. Her full lips were barely parted with a split in the bottom one. Her eyes were bored, almost annoyed as she tilted her chin upwards in the moving photograph.

The next image was from the side, revealing a sliver of the snake tattoo on her neck where her thick, shining waves weren't obstructing her exposed skin. Her nose, brushed with blood and freckles held it's strong slope.

The whole world knew her face now.

The page was torn away from her hands with a harsh grating of fiber against a palm, crumbled into a tiny ball of brown and thrown into the fireplace lighting up his grey eyes and pale face. There was already parchment in the fire refusing to burn, the words of a love letter written by a stupid boy to a terrible girl refusing to be touched by the vicious embers.

He wished she hadn't protected his words.

James flinched away as sparks lit up against the grate, flames licking too closely for his liking.  His hazel eyes moved up to his friend as he pulled Harry closer, waiting for him to say something and break the silence he had been partaking in for the past hour.

"What a shame she's fucked in the head," Sirius spat.

October 31, 1981
5:42 pm
Basil Park

"I just hope this Halloween isn't as bad as last year when James drove around with the cloak on him," Anneliese sighed, swinging her hand back and forth with his. "I think he had about a dozen cops chasing him."

"That's not any worse when he drove as Prongs for April Fool's," Sirius grinned. "And his antlers left dents in the top of Lily's car."

"It's too damn cold both seasons," Anneliese grumbled, pulling her coat tighter around her. "I don't understand how these children are running around in these cheap costumes without freezing to death. Wearing a tutu is not worth hypothermia."

Black pulled her closer, running his hand up and down her outer arm in an attempt to warm her up. Callaway leaned in as well, resting her head against his arm while craning her neck to look upwards at the changing leaves dotted in the canopy above them.

"You know, actually do I love fall," she declared, catching a falling leaf and tucking it into her pocket. "It's the perfect time for good change. Change that's beautiful, you know?"

Sirius tucked his hand into his pocket as well, nervously fidgeting with the box inside of it.

"Do you think it's bad if things change to create more consistency?" he asked, and Anneliese moved her neck back down to look up at him. "Like, if something large happens as a change in life, but then that change leads to stability and less change?"

Callaway blinked a few times as if each motion would wipe away the fuzz preventing the clarity needed for her to comprehend what just came out of Sirius's mouth.

"Just say what you're tryin to say," Anneliese said. "In what situation? What's going on?"

"I just want.. I want to balance out some of the feelings I've been having lately," Black said with an equal amount of unintentional crypticness. "I want to make everything for sure. I need that security, you know?"

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