Ill gotten

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The group arrived back at the bounty fairly quickly on the bounty that was able to safely be docked in the harbor. Fish-legs and Hiccup loved everything on the bounty down to the microwave. They bonded a lot with Jay over everything while Snot-lout mostly just looked around and grabbed anything he thought was valuable. Zane made sure Pixel was alright along with the other systems while Cole made sure the twins did not get even close to the ship.

"What's in here?" Hiccup asks pointing to a metal door that was heavily fortified. "Oh nothing interesting really," Jay said. He watched as Fish-legs kept on turning the lights on and off giddy while Hiccup wanders down the hallway. He peaked into a room and saw a large bed. Curious he walks in and saw that there was a wall filled with realistic portraits of the ninja. Looking closer he saw Kai smiling in them and looking at the back ground Hiccup saw trees with pink flowers on them, buildings that touched the clouds, and stone carvings into mountain sides.

Some were of celebrations of sorts others seemed to be just be Kai and the others having fun. He saw in one picture of his brother on a large cushioned seat with the others all around him sleeping as Kai at with a calm loving expression as he glances at the others.

Hiccup felt a lump in his throat looking at all the images. His brother looked so happy in them, he was happy in his life.

"There you are,"

Hiccup nearly jumps at Jay suddenly coming in. "This is our room glad I didn't find you in the brig that's where all the important stuff is and I can't have you accidentally activating the rockets," Jay said surprisingly perky.

Hiccup swallows the lump in his throat. "Yeah I guess," he agrees though had no idea what would happen if he actually did that. He and Fish-legs had pressed almost everything that looked even remotely like a button getting a buzz every time something happened.

"Hey quick question when's your birthday?" Jay asks. Hiccup blinks thinking for a moment before he answers. "Oh that was a few months ago," He answers honestly. Jay frowns a little, but shrugs it off. "Okay then," he said and Hiccup asks. "Why were you asking?" Hiccup asks as Jay walks over to a closet. "I'm a sentimental and wanted to give this to Kai on his birthday, but we can't wait that long," Jay said and pulls something out of the closet showing it to Hiccup.

It was a necklace with a shiny golden chain with a dark green marble like stone the size of his thumb nail as a pendant with a fire dragon carved onto it. "What stone is that?" Hiccup finds himself asking never seeing a stone quite like it. "It's Jade the most precious stone in Ninjago. It's hella expensive to get genuine Jade, but worth it," Jay smiles fondly at the necklace and asks Hiccup. "Do you think he will like it? Combined with the gold chain it's meant to symbolize heaven and protective qualities," Jay said and adds. "Along with peace so hopefully forgiveness too," Hiccup said. "He's not really the jewelry type he's not going to forgive you just because you give him some pretty stone," Hiccup said and Jay's smile never faltered.

"I know, but it's a step isn't it? Besides we made matching ones for all of us since Jade also symbolizes unity," Jay said and put the necklace back. "Anyway I came to tell you Heather got a terror male from her brother and had to leave she said she'll be back in a week or two," he said and Hiccup nodded since Heather was prone to suddenly leave without saying goodbye.

"Okay then," he said and just stood there. Jay scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "Anyway can you get out of our room?" Hiccup got out of there as quick as possible. He needs to do something to make sure Kai never thinks to forgive them. He gets to the deck and walks off the boat despite wanting to inspect it's inner workings. "Hey look Kai's back!" Cole shouts and Hiccup looks to the sky seeing Kai and Astrid had arrived back.

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