You Hurt Us Too

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(Might change the title of this chapter)

Kai was hiding above in a tree watching the hunters campsite. He was virtually invisible and he didn't take his eyes off Nya who had been forced in a cage. A part of him wondered where Lloyd was, but right now Nya was his concern. From what he could tell she was being fed decently, but her water was carefully measured.

Kai curses his sister for showing her powers in front of so many people or else she could have been turned away. She says he's the dumb one, but then she does that?

"Your not going to do something stupid are you?" Kai nearly falls out of the tree seeing Astrid there in the tree branch beside him. Out of all the people to go after him he was the last one he expected it to be.

She leaned against the trunk as she stood on the branch obscured by the thick leaves so none of the hunters could see her. "If you asked her I should have a leash to keep me from doing something stupid," Kai admits with a humourless laugh.

Astrid didn't talk, but Kai did. "Why are you even up here? I would have thought Hiccup or the others, it you?" Kai asks. "I'm surprised myself, but Hiccup looked pretty pathetic trying to climb up the tree so I said I would talk to you," Astrid said and Kai looks at her. "He was trying to climb up the tree?" "He still is," she points below and Kai saw Hiccup grab onto a branch before loosing his footing and falling landing on his back sighed.

"He's gotten better since we were kids, but having a missing leg does still have its downsides," Astrid said as Hiccup finally gave up and just sat against a trunk. He does not call up to them because he doesn't want to hunters spotting him.

"And where are the others?" He asks. "Well when they realized you had headed here they kept Ember from following you and getting caught. Fish-legs, the twins, and Snot-lout are currently dealing with the chiefs sulking. The others also thought it would be better if they waited until you weren't somewhere you could throw them off a high drop," Astrid glances down at Kai who doesn't make eye contact with her only looking at Nya.

"I shouldn't have left her," He said guilty. Astrid looks at Nya and Kai keeps speaking. "Your both a lot a like you know? Your both stubborn, both warriors in their own right, your both deadly," Astrid cracks a satisfied smile at that one, but it became a look of confusion at what he said next. "But no matter how independent you want to seem, your terrified of being alone," Kai looks at her. "Aren't you?"

Astrid scoffs and looks away. "I am not afraid of anything and you know nothing about me," She said. Kai laughs looking back at his sister. "Nya would say the same thing, but no matter how much you try to hide it I know. You grew up alone didn't you? Dependant on your own strength because you knew if you failed no one would be around to help you?" Kai never once glances at her as she opens her mouth to protest. "I have parents I," "Hiccup's never met them though right? Neither has anyone else," Kai said and she quiets.

"They're around they aren't," She tries. "Dead? Yeah I knew they weren't dead, but they may as well be since they travel around a lot huh? Fish-legs told me about each of your guys families. You got a lot of pressure to uphold don't you?" Kai asks. She shrugs it off though from the way she held her arm Kai was right. "Bet you don't even know what you like to do when you have free time," Kai said. "Of course I do I train," she said. "My Sensei would like you. No that's a necessity a tool for survival. What do you do for fun? Just something you love to do simply because you like it?" Kai asks. Astrid was about to answer before pausing thinking.

"Nya was the same. She spent so much time making sure she could get by that when she no longer needed to do it. She wasn't sure what was the difference between doing something she needed to do and wanted to do that it just blurred together by now. Your so dedicated to protecting what you love that you forget you need protection too," Kai looks back at Nya who had faked sleeping.

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