Chapter 17

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After the big guy noticed him waiting in the parking lot on Friday night, Nathan had quickly left but pulled off and parked only a little way down the street to see where the group was heading next. 

 He would have bet that they were calling it a night, and especially now that he had been seen, and he hoped that they would lead him to where Stephanie was living. He had lucked out when he spotted them having dinner at the pub and followed them to The Corral. Maybe he would get lucky again. The need to know where she was at all times was consuming him.


Nathan Moore was waiting outside of Steph's apartment early Monday morning and followed her car as she drove to the university. She hadn't seemed to notice him at all so he was able to stay close behind her and park his car near hers in the lot when they arrived. He got out and followed behind her on the footpath, pulling his cap down over his face in case she happened to look back, but she never did so he was able to stay close enough to overhear her greet a classmate and casually tell that person that she had to work at the café at 6pm.

Glancing at his watch, Nathan hurried back to his car so that he wouldn't be late for work. He planned to ask around about this café. There couldn't be that many of them close to both the university and her apartment so he would just check them all out until he found the right one.

It was just shy of 7pm that night when he parked outside of a café called Home Brew, and saw her at the serving counter. It was only about six blocks from her apartment and he could already tell that it would be easier to keep an eye on her here than when she was at her apartment. He wanted to know what she was up to.

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