Chapter 92

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Mac wanted to celebrate Samantha's twenty-fourth birthday with a night of dancing. Samantha loved to dance and he knew that she hadn't been since her first encounter with Nathan Moore.

Having arranged it all with Adam he surprised Samantha at school on Friday, her actual birthday was the following Monday, and laughed when she squealed and ran to him when she saw him waiting. He had brought his motorcycle with him for the trip this time and, after scooping her up and swinging her around, he handed her an extra helmet and told her to jump on.

Their dad had a classic motorcycle which he kept in pristine condition and in storage in their garage for most of the year but in the warmer months Pete and Sharon often went out for day trips on the weekends just taking the bike, the two of them alone together.

He took Samantha and Mac for rides as well when they were younger but it was usually quick trips to the store and that sort of thing. Samantha loved it. So much so that the first vehicle that she bought with her own money had been a motorcycle. Since, back then, she really only needed her own transportation in the summer to get to and from her job when she was in high school in her mind she saved the money on gas and insurance by only using it for six months of the year. Her dad made sure that she took all of the safety classes that she needed and that she knew how to maintain it herself. She still felt the loss of it sometimes, having sold it many years ago now. She needed a car but didn't need a car and a motorcycle, nor did she have any place to store it here in Jamesville so she used the money from the sale of it toward her car purchase.

As she swung on behind Mac she lightly cuffed his shoulder "Not going to even let me drive on my birthday?". "Hell no" Mac replied quickly making her laugh. "This is my baby" he rubbed his hand along the chrome. "Not even you are going to drive her" Squeezing her arms around her brother Sam held on and enjoyed the ride, Mac taking an extra long route to her apartment.

Adam was just getting out of the shower when he heard the roar of a motorcycle and looked out of the bathroom window. Grinning, he quickly threw on his jeans, ignoring his underwear, and grabbed his t-shirt as he went out the door. He was making his way down the stairs as Samantha was climbing off of the back of Mac's bike and it stopped him in his tracks.

She swung her long jean clad leg over the machine and unclipped her helmet, pulling it off slowly. It was probably so that she wouldn't tangle her hair in the clip but the effect on him was like he was watching an old motor-head magazine model come to life. Holy shit. He was immediately hard.

Mac finally noticed him on the stairs and shot him a funny look. "Hey, man. How's it going?"

Adam composed himself, thankful that he was wearing jeans and not the shorts that he had been debating and shot Mac a grin. "Glad you made it and got my woman here in one piece". He wandered around the bike to shake Mac's hand and asked about the drive.

Samantha leaned back against the seat crossing her legs at the ankles and rubbing her hand over the chrome. "It's days like this" she looked up at the cloudless sky "that I really miss my bike". Adam's head jerked up from where he had been crouched checking out the rear wheel. "You had a motorcycle?" he asked her. She grinned at him and handed her brother the extra helmet. "Don't know everything about me, eh?" she laughed. "And you call yourself a detective".

While Adam continued to stare at Samantha, Mac shook his head. "So, I promised Finn that I would come to check out his garage while I was in town".

Samantha nodded. "It's great. The contractor did a good job of making it look like it has always been there. You'll like it." Mac shot another look toward Adam who appeared to be pole-axed.

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