Chapter 64

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Nathan Moore once again hovered behind a street lamp watching his fiancée and her stupid cop.

He had to hand it to her, though. She had this one wrapped around her finger.

He had taken to watching Stephanie when she was at work. He could park his car across the street from the café and see right in through the big windows to the counter where she was always standing, smiling and talking to strangers. She was his pet in a fish bowl and he could watch her for hours without her knowing.

It was almost getting too easy leaving the flowers for her at the café though. There was always someone going in who was willing to blindly take his word that he was just a shy guy and not wanting to bother his girl. He had thought it inspired to follow her to the gym yesterday and leave one for her there. Didn't want her to get bored with their relationship and start looking for excitement elsewhere, now did he?

He had almost changed his mind about leaving one at her place this morning, not wanting to get caught by the cop if he happened to leave early for work - he was a big bastard - so he got lucky when he saw them both come out and take off jogging. It was still early enough in the morning that there weren't any neighbours around yet so he was able to wander over and set it on the steps and just keep walking. He made his way slowly around the block once before settling back into his lookout spot.

One day soon he would find her alone and then they would have the talk that they needed to.

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