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Thinking about Samantha again, Adam let his mind wander back to the start of his work day.

He and Jamie walked into the emergency room and showed their badges to the nurse at the admission desk.

"Grant Coleman?" Jamie asked while Adam turned from them to look around the waiting area.

Two young parents, looking terrified, sat with a toddler. The little guy was fussing and crying and had a small bruise and cut on his chin. The mom kept stroking his back and the dad kept stroking the mom's shoulder. If Adam had to guess he would say that it was their first child and that the little fellow had fallen while either climbing on something he shouldn't have been or trying to run faster than his little legs were able.

The only other person in the room sat off by herself in the far corner nervously fretting with the strap of her purse. She was middle-aged and poorly dressed and appeared to be sporting some bruises of her own on her arms and wrists although they didn't appear to be recent. Adam's first impression, of course, was that she had an abusive spouse and that they were barely making ends meet. Sadly, his impressions were usually right.

Turning back to the nurse and tuning back into the conversation that she was having with Jamie, they found out that Coleman was currently in surgery but that his wife was the lone woman in the waiting room that Adam had noticed. Thanking the nurse they approached the man's wife while she watched them with wariness.

"Mrs. Coleman" Jamie started. "We're detectives Wilson and McCabe. May we have a word with you please?"

"Here?" she asked hopefully glancing around the room.

Sensing that she might be more at ease with them here in the public room they both agreed and took seats beside her. They were far enough away from the young family to guarantee some privacy.

"We understand from the nurse that your husband is currently in surgery and that he sustained a severe injury to his head when he was thrown from his vehicle after the impact. Unfortunately the evidence at the scene, and the witnesses who have made statements, report that your husband's vehicle was speeding through the intersection and neglected to stop when the light changed" her lip quivered but she stayed silent.

Adam went on, "the toxicology report indicates that your husband had three times the legal alcohol limit in his bloodstream" Pointedly he looked at the clock on the wall "at 9am"

"Grant lost his job about three months ago" Mrs. Coleman started, voice breaking "he was angry all of the time lately and had started drinking quite heavily. I thought that I had talked him into counseling but when he was already gone by the time I woke up this morning and I saw the empty bottle I knew that he hadn't slept again".

Pleading she looked at Jamie and Adam.

"He's a good man"

Reluctantly she asked "Did he hurt anyone?" Seeming to brace herself for their answer.

Taking pity on her Jamie touched her hand briefly. "No, he didn't. The other car that was coming through the intersection was able to avoid being hit. Grant seems to have lost control of his car at some point and hit a lamppost when he went up onto the sidewalk."

Relieved, tears slowly started to fall. "He'll be charged though. If he makes it?"

"Yes" Adam said. "If he makes it there will be charges. Hopefully, this can be a positive turning point for him"

Just then the doctor came into the room and over to the group, recognizing Adam and Jamie."Mrs. Coleman" he spoke softly "I'm sorry but your husband has succumbed to his injuries. We weren't able to save him. He didn't make it through surgery"

A Rose in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now