Chapter 50

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Ticked off with himself, Adam cursed under his breath. This was not going at all how he had planned when his mom asked him to bring Samantha.

"That's not it and you honestly can't believe that" he stalked over to her and turned off the water.

Samantha turned to face him. A wounded look in her eyes.

Running his hand through his hair, Adam paced the kitchen. "Sit down, Samantha" he ordered and she immediately stiffened her back and looked at him, fixing him with her golden eyes. "Please" he softened and grabbed her hand to tug her to a seat at the table.

"My folks have asked me to bring you along for Sunday dinner next weekend. My family is dying to meet you, especially my mom. I'm usually only able to go about once a month because of my schedule but the rest of my brothers go every Sunday. I was planning to ask you to come with me, I can promise you that, and if you think that I'm embarrassed by you or not ready to shout from the roof tops that you are mine then you're crazy."

"The truth of it is, Sam, that I was hoping to talk you into moving in with me between now and then"

Samantha, who had been looking down at her lap snapped her eyes to his. She saw the truth of it in them as well as the emotion that he was feeling.

"I know that it is really soon for this step in our relationship but with me working shift work and you having school and work our time together is already really limited and it's not enough for me."

"Just hear me out" he snapped when she started to speak and she tried to hide her grin at his nervousness. He ran his hands through his hair while he paced.

Samantha had already figured out that Adam paced when he was nervous or upset and for some reason watching him pace in front of her right now, pleased her. She herself was nervous about the thought of living with someone. It was a big step in a relationship but one that she felt was usually a good way for two people to determine if they were truly compatible and it was also one further stride toward building a permanent commitment.

"I guess first I need to ask you – are you happy being with me? No regrets?"

Samantha nodded shyly.

"I really need to hear you say it, Sam" Adam spoke earnestly.

"Yes, you really make me happy. No regrets" she said quietly staring into his eyes.

"Good" he muttered "Good" and then he started pacing again.

"So, by moving in together we'll be able to spend more time together, even spending time quietly under the same roof while one of us is sleeping would be nice. When you are on breaks between classes or I am on my dinner break, and we would save money too. I've been thinking that I could move in here. Your place is a bit bigger than mine and I don't have a lot of stuff. We can make sure that Mr. and Mrs. Connor are cool with another tenant."

He stopped pacing and knelt in front of her, a little panicked. "I know that there is always the chance that this" he waved his hand between them "might fall apart but right now, I honestly don't see that happening. I care about you more everyday and it's not just your looks, Samantha. It's you and everything that you are" he stared into her eyes with such emotion that Samantha had to catch her breath.

She instinctively reached for his hands, wanting to touch him.

"Well, what do you think? Are you willing to take a chance on us?"

Samantha was nervous and scared. She could admit those feelings. But she was also excited. Adam gave her something that she didn't have before. Hope. She had always been a positive person and loved her life up until this point, she really did. She had a loving family, wonderful friends and was confident in the career choice that she had made but Adam just kind of fell into it all and finished it. She knew that she needed him.

A shocking calmness came over her. "I think that it's a great idea" Samantha said and watched the surprise and pleasure flood over his face, laughing when he scooped down to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom.

Adam couldn't believe that he could be so lucky. He was going to hold onto Samantha and never let her go. Patrick was right. He was a lucky bastard and he vowed to never take her for granted and to never forget the way he felt in this moment being with her.

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