"Forever isn't long enough" (John B. Routledge)

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A/N: I am sorry for any mistakes. Also, English is not my first language. Feel free to point out any mistakes... but just don't be mean about it lol! Hope you enjoy it!

You and John B were standing in front of each other, away from everyone else. You were trying so hard to not let your tears fall but failed miserably. "Y-You kissed her." You managed to let out, "you k-kissed Sarah. S-Sarah Cameron.""I did not, Y/N!" John B gruffed. Instead of comforting you, your boyfriend of 5 years was getting angry at you. "I thought you... you hated her," you said, ignoring him. "I saw her. I saw you. Both of you were kissing. She was wearing a white dress. Your hands were on her waist. I could see you two." You said, trying to recollect your thoughts. "Baby..." John B said in a softer tone this time, lifting his hand to put it on your cheek. No matter how annoyed he was at this moment, he couldn't see the girl he used to love like this. "I was not kissing her."You knew John was lying. This was not the first time you saw them. You were not the only one who saw them either. Kie, JJ, and Pope have seen them kissing, cuddling, and being all touchy many times. At first, you didn't believe them. You trusted John way too much, but then you saw them too. The first time you saw them, you didn't trust your eyes, you thought your brain was making stuff up but then when you confronted John about it, you knew it was true. He didn't meet your eyes and did the weird leg thing he does when he is lying. He shakes his leg up and down and left and right at the same time. It is weird, but it is a John thing. Many times when he was lying to the DCS, you used to put your hand on his thigh so he won't get caught. "You know..." you paused, "...I loved you." You said, collecting yourself. "No, scratch that. I still love you, but you don't deserve it. You deserve Sarah, and she deserves you. Both of you cheaters are perfect for each other." John B winced at your harsh words. "She always cheats on her boyfriends. First John, then Emmanuel, and then Topper. I can't wait for her to cheat on you." You said the last part, laughing. You started to walk away, but John B stopped you by grabbing your arm. He shook his head, "no." he said, clearing his throat, "you can't leave me. You can't just go." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Does he expect you to stay with him while he is with Sarah Cameron?"Here," he said, handing you his phone. "Here is my phone. You can delete her number. Fuck! You can delete every girls' phone number. I won't even talk to Kie." He rambled. "You-You can't leave me Y/N. I need you. You are my everything. What am I going to do without you? What about our plans? Huh? We were gonna have two kids, a house on Figure Eight, a perfect little family. Me and you," he said pointing, "are supposed to be together forever.""You should have thought about that before you kissed her." You whispered."Y/N, I love you. Like for real.""Let me go," you said. You knew you had to leave before you give in. You loved him, but you couldn't let yourself give him another chance."No!""John," you began, "you have to let me go. If you did love me, you wouldn't have kissed Sarah. You just don't like the idea of me not being in your life anymore. I know it is hard to accept it," you said shakily. "But, we will get used to it."John knew what you were saying was right. He doesn't know when he fell out of love with you, but he did. He doesn't know when he stopped wanting a future with you, but he did. He loved Sarah now. He wants a future with her. Kids with her. He wants to have a perfect little family with her now.Without saying another word, John let your arm go, and just like that, the relationship you thought was going to be your forever, came to an end."Guess forever isn't long enough, Routledge."

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