Part 24

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      "You are hot."

         《Hope you like this part》        

(Unedited Part)

Y/N P.O.V...

Suddenly, I felt a man cover my mouth. He had a cloth in his hands. I struggled for a while to get out of his grip. But I couldn't get out of his grip. I couldn't see anything properly. My vision slowly became blurry. But I still continued to try to move myself out of his grip which I almost failed to do . And that was when I fell unconscious. And the last words I heard were, "We got it."


Y/N P.O.V...

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a basement all tied up and my mouth is stuffed with something. Where am I? And where is this place? Why did they bring me here? Suddenly, I heard footsteps.

"Oh, so you are awake." A bulky man spoke. I slowly looked up to him. I struggled to speak something with my stuffed mouth. "Don't make noise." He commanded as he removed the cloth in my mouth.

"W-Why did you bring me here? Please l-leave me." I spoke as soon as he removed the cloth in my mouth. "Shut up. You will know about it later." He said as he started dragging me rashly to another room. I had some scratches on my knees due to this rough surface made of wood as they kept dragging me. What is this place? This is absolutely not a building or a mansion's basement.

They threw me on the floor as soon as he opened a door of a room. I slowly turned to look at those bruised young girls behind me. I slowly looked at those guys. "Where is this place? Why did you bring me here? What are these girls doing here?" I asked seriously.

Both of these guys looked at each other and grinned. One of them walked towards me. He slowly bent down to my level and caught my chin with his hand roughly. He made me looked at him forcefully.

"You have a pretty mouth but it blabbers a lot. Anyways, since you are so curious, I will clarify your doubts." I looked at him sharply as he continued. "We are on a ship and this is the basement of the ship. We are on our way to another country because waterways is the best route for us cuz we can't get caught easily this way." He spoke as he didn't leave his grip on my chin. "What do you mean get caught? And why are you taking us to another country?" I tried to clarify.

"I think you don't get the situation you are in. Pretty girl, you are going to get sold as a stripper or sex slave in another countries. That's right, we are human traffickers." He grinned widely as soon as he spoke. His words brought an unknown fear in me.

He slowly left my chin and got up. He made his way to the other guy. All the girls seemed to be restless and those bruises are like something made by deadly beasts. Just how much these people tortured them. Fear was visible in my eyes after seeing them.

"This new stuff is so hot. I think it would be a waste to leave her without having fun." The other guy chuckled as soon as he heard his partner's words. "Anyways, boss and the others are outside so it wouldn't be a problem if we have some fun with her." He said as he pointed out his finger at me. "That isn't a bad idea." He grinned as he walked towards me extending his hand to touch my shirt.

As he moved closer, I remembered the day when I got stabbed to death in the rain. The day of my death. My eyes went wide and I couldn't blink. All those memories stroke my brain like a sharp knife. My hands shivered along with my body. I felt paralyzed as his hand moved closer. It's just how I felt on that day when he stabbed me on back and pierced his knife into my neck. My head hurts. His hand was about to reach my body. 

And all of a sudden, his hand got separated from his body. Blood flew over the floor. his hand fell down on the ground. He screamed out of pain. I slowly looked at that man who did that. It was a man with the glasses. His hair was of a natural Indigo color. He wore all black. 

I saw him slowly make his way towards us. "Woah, what were you doing? Did I interrupt?" Both of these men were scared along with all the girls here as soon as he spoke. "Are y-you a monster? How did you separate his hand from his body?" His partner spoke. This unknown man chuckled.

"Monster? That's a typical name you could give me." He spoke as he came and stood beside me. Those men tried to escape from here. But without a warning, those two men became ashes at a snap of a finger of the person beside me. I slowly looked at this unknown man beside me.

He slowly leaned towards me and whispered, "It's nice to meet a fellow person from Helven." As soon as he spoke, he stood straight and winked at me.

"It's time for me to go from here and it's your chance to get out now. See you again, miss." He winked at me and vanished into thin air.

What just...happened?

I don't have time to think about these now. I need to get out of this place with these girls. I quickly went and untied them. But this is a ship and if my guess is right, we are in the middle of an ocean now. It's impossible for us to get out of here now. 

But I need to find a way. I can't afford to let these girls suffer anymore. I quickly made my out of the basement. I slowly peeked through to see a lot of drunk men and few sober men on the ship. There were almost 60 to 70 men here on the ship. My body was still shivering because of what happened just now and those memories of your death. 

I slowly opened the door and tried to find something useful. But it didn't take long for me to get caught.

"Who let you out?" One of them spoke. I still failed to process or utter a single word. As soon as all of them saw me. They came and surrounded me. They all started speaking more like threatening. But I couldn't concentrate on them and all those death memories of mine rushed through every inch of me again. I was out of proper breath and my eyes were restless, I slowly lost all emotions on my face and only one thing was left...fear.

I slowly looked down. A person tried to approach me as he extended his hand while walking towards me. I forgot everything at that moment and the only person who remained in my brain was..."Jungkook, save me." I whispered under my breath.

Suddenly, a loud thud was heard. "C-Captain, a person came out of nowhere." A man spoke as he pointed at my front direction. I slowly brought up my emotionless face up to look at that man. As I took a closer look, I confirmed that it was..."Jungkook..." I said softly.

Jungkook's body was fuming with red flames and his wings gave a splendid sharp look. Jungkook slowly brought his head up and sharply opened his eyes revealing a red flare in them. He is angry?

A sharp striking wind passed through the atmosphere as soon as he opened his eyes making my hair wave high. And at an instant, all these men here were...beheaded at the sight of Jungkook's eyes. Blood flew all over the ship. And their heads fell into the ocean.

Jungkook's eyes turned back to normal as soon as they met mine.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I slowly took a step forward. As I was about to break down, I ran towards him. I didn't leave a second to hug him. He stopped moving as soon as I hugged him. I finally broke down in his arms. I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. I cried loudly letting out all the fear which was brought up inside me.

"I-I was s-scared..." I managed to speak as I continued to cry. Jungkook slowly brought his hands up and hugged me back. I never imagined to hear the words he said next.

"It's all fine now. I am here." Jungkook spoke.


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