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Y/n blinks slowly and lifts her head off the floor. The first thing she sees is Maki kneeling over her.

"Oh.. Maki.. how did you get in here?" She says tiredly

"I rung the doorbell and you didn't answer, so I just came in. Something.. might have happened."

Y/n knows what she's talking about. The killing game. The time limit ends tomorrow night.. deep down, Y/n is sort of hoping a murder happens.

"Yeah.. sorry.. I was just asleep.."

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?"

Y/n shrugs and smiles, she stands up and brushes herself off. "I guess we should get some breakfast."

"...You might want to skip it today. Miu's in the dining hall. Her research lab just opened and she's weirder than usual."

"Oh.. I'm still hungry though. Can we get something from the warehouse quickly?"

Maki nods, and they both head to the warehouse.

They look around the shelves for something edible for quite a while.

"I found some energy bars. Is this enough?" Maki holds up a box of nutrition bars

"Perfect. We should eat them outside, it's nicer out there."

Maki just silently follows Y/n out to the courtyard, they sit down on one of the bench things there and start to eat the energy bars. They taste disgusting, but they both continue eating.

"Maki.. are we friends?" Y/n asks out of the blue


"We've been hanging out quite a lot.. but I remember you saying you were gonna be watching me. Are you just sticking around me to make sure I don't do anything dodgy?"

"..You aren't exactly.. the worst person to be around. I'm still extremely suspicious of you, so I do want to keep an eye on you, but it's not as much of a chore as I thought it would be."

Y/n honestly can't tell what she's trying to say. "I think I'll just take that as a compliment." She chuckles

"Hey guys! Mind if I join?" Kaito walks up to the two girls.

"Yes. We do mind. Leave us alone." Maki says harshly

"..She doesn't mean that." Y/n says.

"Haha, good cop bad cop, eh? Anyway, I'm making a plan for tomorrow. I'm trying to gather people that can fight. And you seem like you can fight.!" He looks towards Maki.

"It's no use.. the Exisals will just kill us."

"Maki, you have to at least try.. I'm sure you can do it." Y/n smiles

"Yeah! Exactly! Well.. I'll ask again tomorrow when it's time. See you later!" Kaito waves and walks off.

Nighttime comes by like a flash. Once again, Y/n goes to her dorm after saying goodnight to Maki.

This'll be her last time ever going to sleep. How.. weird. That's hardly the word to describe it.

For once the morning announcement actually wakes her up, it's her last day of living, she wants to make the most of it, but there's barely anything to do.

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