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As soon as the morning announcement plays, Y/n rushes to the gym. She's almost bursting with excitement. It's been years since she's seen a magic show. And now she gets one from the Ultimate Magici- Mage herself.!

Once she arrives, most people are there, except Kokichi, Ryoma, Kaito and Maki, but Y/n doesn't really pay much attention to it.

"Himiko? Have you said your prayers and gone to the bathroom?" Angie asks

"I-I said my prayers and went pee.." Himiko answers, she looks terrified.

"Nyahaha! Then let's get the show started!" Angie laughs happily, her and Himiko go over to the large water tank, Himiko climbs up the stairs and stands on the edge. She looks dangerously close to the tank of piranhas.

"Thank you, Atua, for being with us today." Angie announces.

"T-The magic I'm going to perform today is extreme magic.. the.. u-underwater escape act." Himiko says, Y/n can almost feel her nerves from the audience

"Please turn your attention to the tank in front of you, when the timer starts, Himiko will jump into the water, once 60 seconds have passed, the piranhas will drop into the tank! Oh my goodness! If by some miracle Himiko has been gobbled up, please give a round of applause!"


"I am joking! It's a joke!"

Himiko doesn't respond to Angie's joke like she should have, she must be really scared.

Angie counts down from three, and Himiko jumps into the tank of water as the timer on the side starts going down from 60.

After about 20 seconds pass, Tenko starts getting really worried.

Y/n leans over to Shuichi who's sitting next to her. "How do you think she's gonna get out?" She whispers

"I don't know.. I just hope it's safe." He whispers back.

"Yeah.. I've seen tricks like this before, usually it's just a hidden tunnel or compartment."

"I guess we'll find out."

Another 10 seconds pass. Himiko should have come out by now..

Then another 10.. and another. 10 seconds until the piranhas drop. Even the Ultimate Magician could go wrong at times.. what if something happened.? Two people have already died, there could easily be a third.

"I'm actually pretty worried now.. I have to see.." Y/n says and stands up, she goes up onto the stage and looks down into the water.

"Aw! You can't do that! We're still in the middle of the show!" Angie shouts

There's nothing in the water. It's just.. empty.

Then the timer ends.. before she can even notice what's about to happen, the piranhas drop. Y/n gasps a little when she sees the aftermath. Ryoma is in there.. handcuffed. The piranhas swirl around him, eating him until there's nothing left. The water is quickly dyed with blood

"Oh god.. open the curtains.!" Y/n yells to the group.

"Okay.! I am now opening the curtains.." Angie says, and pulls the curtains along.. to reveal Ryoma.. but he wasn't Ryoma, he was just a pile of bones.

Nobody can say anything in shock.

The body discovery announcement plays, the others that weren't at the magic show come rushing in.

"What the hell happened in here!?" Kaito shouts

"I don't know! I don't know what happened!" Tenko also shouts

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