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It's finally morning. Time for what they've all been planning.

Everyone's at the dining hall.. except Kaito.

"Is Kaito here yet?" Tsumugi asks

"Well he's late! He'll just have to catch up! Is everyone ready?" Himiko says

They all agree that they're ready, Maki doesn't have her Electrohammer, but it's not a big deal.

"Ah, one more thing. Last night I scouted the hangar, and I saw that she's being kept in the bathroom." Shuichi adds

"Yes, the bathroom is the best place to lock someone up." Tsumugi confirms.

Then, everyone leaves. All determined and ready to fight.

"Maki, I need to tell you something quickly." Shuichi says

"No time. Just hurry up and get to the hangar." Maki says, without even looking at Shuichi, she just walks away.

Shuichi's a little confused at first, but she's probably right. And plus, Y/n can tell it to her herself once they all get her out. He makes his way to the hangar.

Once he gets there, Maki throws the Electrobomb, and the shutter opens.

But what they see inside..

The hydraulic press.. shut.. with blood pouring out of it. Two shoes are next to it, also drenched in blood.

The body discovery announcement plays.

"The.. body discovery announcement.. does that mean.. someone's in that press!?" Tsumugi gasps

"The only people that were in the hangar at the time were Kokichi and Y/n.. so it must be one of them." Keebo says

"B-But.. we haven't seen Kaito today either.." Himiko trembles

"Kaito can't be in the press, he'd have no way of getting in here in the first place.. he probably decided to not come at the last second. And there's shoes here.. whose are these?" Keebo asks

They're unmistakably Y/n's. And everyone can see that.

"No.. it's.. it's not possible.." Shuichi looks pale and horrified.

Monokuma appears and does his usual rambling, and hands out the Monokuma file.

"The.. killing game.. will continue.?" Tsumugi says

"If the killing game is still going, that means the mastermind is still alive." Maki says, she doesn't even seem sad.

"If Kokichi is still alive.. that means.. the one dead over there is.. Y/n.!?" Himiko yells

"No.! It can't be.! She can't be dead! It has to be some sort of lie!" Shuichi exclaims

"Calm down." Maki says, looking ominously at him. "I've seen so much death already. It doesn't bother me anymore. You should be used to it by now."

"Used to it.!? What are you talking abou-!"

"More importantly.. wheres Kokichi?"

"He ran away! Obviously because he's the culprit! We have to split up and look for him.!" Tsumugi says

"Wait.. we have to stay.. we don't know that Y/n's the one in the press.. we have to explore all the possibilities."

"So you're saying Kokichi's in there? Then why is the killing game still continuing? And don't even try saying it's Kaito. He never came in here. Even her shoes are there." Maki seems like she wants it to be Y/n.

"They could have just taken shoes from Y/n's dorm to make it look like they came from her." Shuichi's desperate to prove it.

"No. These are the shoes she was wearing. She only wore the same shoes, the ones with no laces, and these have no laces in them." Maki says

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