chapter 3

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Jenni stared at the photo of yours, her fingers tracing your smiling face as a teardrop falls on your face. Jenni immediately wiped it off and hugged it closely. Her thought wonders to the precious memories she created with you and her husband. It was beautiful and peaceful. She misses playing with you and taking care of you. She missed everything about you

She missed you deeply.

"My baby" she whimpered, tears flowing from her eyes.

"Mommy will save you soon" she whispered, staring at the photo again before placing a small kiss on it.

Jimin stood near the door frame as he looked at her murmuring sweet words to the picture of you.

A heavy sigh escaped from his lips before leaving the place.


"Y/n!" Taehyung yelled, searching the entire room but he couldn't find you.

Jungkook ordered Taehyung to look after you when he is busy with his personal needs.

"Where did you crawl away" he utters in frustration as he looked here and there, trying to find a glimpse of you.


You sneaked out of the room, crawled away, hoping to find something to play. Your eyes caught one of the room, the door was opened slightly and few sinful sounds were coming from there.

You smiled widely before making your way towards the room, you slowly pushed the door apart, wiggling your body inside the room, without making any sounds. You stopped your tracks when your eyes witnessed two people cuddling in the bed. You let out a loud giggle.

Jungkook snapped his gaze at the door, his eyes travelled down only to spot his baby mate smiling like a cute angel. You further crawled into the room, exploring the place.

"Who is that?" Growled the woman underneath him.

Jungkook immediately sprinted out of the bed and grasped the robe which of laying on the ground and wore it over his naked body. He walked towards your tiny body crawling on the floor, his large hands grasped your body and pulled you up, face to face with him.

You pouted at him and squirmed under his grip around you.

"What's my baby doing here?" He asked softly, rubbing his puffy cheeks with yours, feeling your softy flesh against him. You pointed at the door, letting out cheerful smiles.

Jungkook smiled at you.

A pair of burning eyes were fixed at you, an uncontrollable rage filled inside her body as she stared at the infant in her alpha's hands.

"Whose child is that? My lord is that thing yours?" She asked, after dressing herself with a mini one-piece, which hung loosely around her body.

Jungkook glared at the women who disrespected his mate in front of him.

"Get the fuck out Cho Hee" he hissed before walking out of the room.

Cho hee clenched her fist, she was determined to find out who this child is and what's that child's relationship with her young lord.


Taehyung sighed in relief when his eyes caught you in the arms of Jungkook. You were safe, that's what matters to him.

Jungkook laid you in the crib and placed some toys inside for you to play.

You happily went through the toys, one by one.

Jungkook turned his gaze at his beta, his soft gaze instantly switches to a hard one, he motions Taehyung to follow him as he walks out of the room.


A loud smack was sent across Taehyung's face, snapping his head to the side.

"I asked you to take care of her properly, not to let her wander around this place" frowned Jungkook, clenching his fist tightly, controlling his raging desire to punch Taehyung again.

"I'm sorry Alpha" Taehyung muttered hanging his head low.

Jungkook tsked, eyeing Taehyung. He angrily walks away to attend his pack meetings.

Taehyung rubbed his cheeks where Jungkook smacked him, he looked lifeless inside, he was in pain but not because of the Jungkook's slap but at his life.

Before Taehyung could walk away, he was pulled back by some force on his forearm.

"Who is that child" cho chee asked,

Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance as he roughly yanked his hands from his grip.

"That's none of your business" he snapped and took a step closer to her "and stay away from her" he growled darkly sending shivers to the women in front of him.

"U-umm I'll t-think a-about it" she terribly stammered through her speech as her fear for Taehyung raised to a new peak. She limped out of the room like a frightened cat.

Taehyung knew that this woman is no less than Jungkook, she could go to any lengths to have Jungkook and she would not sit still knowing that Jungkook has found his mate. Taehyung must keep an eye on her before she does something terrible.


Taehyung's gaze was fixed at your small form, an emotionless expression across his face. When your eyes met his raven orbs, his lips curved into a light smile. You showed him your Barbie Toy, shaking it for him and Smiling widely.

you laughed out when he chuckled at your attempts to lit his mood.

Suddenly the door was slammed open, catching the attention of yours and Taehyung.

It was Jungkook.

He walked towards your crib and looked at you.

"Hi baby mate" he smiled while you simply gazed him.

Taehyung went near Jungkook looked at him suspiciously

"What are you going do?" He asked after eyeing the Jungkook who looked like he got a new dirty plan to execute.

"Nothing much, I'm just going hurt y/n to lure Jenni here" Jungkook finished with a proud smirk. Taehyung gritted his teeth as he immediately grasped his shirt.

"Why do you want Jenni?" He growled out, showing his rage towards jungkook for the immature idea.

Jungkook yanked Taehyung's hands and placed his fingers on his mouth, stating him to stay silent.

"Shush You shouldn't use violence in front of children" he narrowed his eyes at you and smiled "isn't it right baby" he asked you, you sucked your thump finger, not understanding anything.

"So for that you will hurt y/n!" Taehyung snapped, angered by his each and every move.

"Jenni is a person whom I want no matter what, once I desire something then I'll get it no matter what" Jungkook said sternly, averting his gaze at you, brushing your cheeks "even if it means hurting my precious ones"

Taehyung shook his head in disbelief, staring at the deranged man, Jungkook is sick, he is a monster. That's how Taehyung could define of him.


Jungkook is terrible here

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