chapter 8

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Jimin has locked himself in his room for a week, starving himself, not even a drop of water has gone into his stomach. He refused to meet anyone and has isolated himself from the outside world.

He has silently placed himself on the couch in the darkroom with the only sunlight emerging from a single huge window glass.

His face shows emptiness, h heart and his wolf is completely broken, his state of mind is darkened with blackness and empty feeling. He couldn't feel any emotions, everything dried off after witnessing his mate leaving him in front of his eyes, all he could do is watch his Jenni die, he couldn't even protect her.

He thought everything would fall back into its place after the death of Kai, he thought he could win back Jenni after saving you, but no, she rejected him and went with that human, she was supposed to live a long life with him. Why is it always him who has to suffer? Why is did the moon goddess curse with him pain?

He shut his eyes as a drop of tear falls onto the floor. His watery gaze looks and finds a sharp object shining through the sunlight on his wooden table nearby. He slowly extends his arms and grabs hold of the knife.

He had no reason to live anymore, his mate has died and he has lost everything. His happiness is destroyed and his reason for heartbeat is no longer with him, he is like an emotionless living stone.

Jimin mind has made up to end his future reason to live, he will go with his mate. He slowly brings the sharp tip of the knife near his wrist, before he could slash his fresh flesh the door sprung open. Jimin swiftly looks up at the rough thud caused by the strong force applied to the door while trying to open it.

Yoongi darts towards Jimin and grabs the knife from his hands, he vigorously threw the knife away which lands on the corner of the darkroom.

Yoongi turns to Jimin and smacks him right on his cheek, his face flew rightwards at the enormous force applied by yoongi while slapping him hard on his already broken face.

"Are you mad!!!" He yells at Jimin trying to get him back to his sense.

"Yes! I have gone mad and I don't want to live anymore, let me die!" Jimin spat as he turns around and looks for the knife which yoongi threw off.

Yoongi grabs Jimin's shoulders and purses his lips tightly.

"Get yourself together Jimin! Stop behaving like a manic" Yoongi shakes his shoulders staring at him for few seconds.

"I-I can't" he stutters out.

"Jimin! Please don't torture yourself like this. Remember what Jenni said, she told you to protect her child. She trusted you with her daughter" Jimin's eyes widen as his thoughts slowly wanders to the last words of Jenni.

Jimin furrows his eyebrows as his eyes waters after realizing what he had become. He couldn't save her but at least he should fulfil her last words though he has no interest in taking care of that man's blood. He wipes off his tears and murmurs a sorry to yoongi.

Yoongi nods his head and pats his shoulder, yoongi ensures that Jimin is back to his sense before leaving him alone in his room.


Mina neatly arranges your room, with several dolls, pink coloured curtains covering the windows, many butterfly baby stickers plastered on the wall and finally a cute crib for you to sleep in.

Mina shrieks like a little child after looking at the masterpiece she just made, just for you.  She hops back to the hall room and pops up in front of you. 

Your lips forms into a wide smile as you stared at the female in front of you, you roll from your front to back at the soft cushion while your lips forms into a wide smile.

"Aww you're so cute darling" Mina melts at your cute moves and scoops you up in her arms. She shakes you so that you would feel comfortable in her arms. Mina did a lot of research on how to handle months old babies because she has planned to give her best in taking care of you. She loves children and she was so happy when yoongi asked her to help him in taking care of you.

You shook your right hand which somewhat resembles like a wave. She copied your gesture and did the same as you. You giggled at her following your moves, you found it funny to play like this, you again did the same action with your left hand which she again copying, you giggled happily as you found another new entertainment to play.

Mina brings you to your room, she places you on the crib with few toys lying in the corner for you to play with. You happily explored through the toys given to you, you played with them till you fell asleep.

Once Mina is assured that you are asleep, she walks away from the room.


Jimin hesitated to open the door of his hated living thing, his hands slowly move toward the doorknob and grabs hold of it, he closes his eyes for few seconds mustering the courage to meet you, once he controlled his rage and fury, he opens the door knob and walks inside. The fresh alluring sweet scent of yours entice him completely.

He gradually makes his way to your crib, he slowly takes a peek into the crib, his eyes were blessed with the tiny baby sleeping comfortably in the crib.

Your small eyes which blinks like a beautiful butterfly, your tiny fisted hands, Your small lips which barely parts and your face altogether screams perfection. You looked like his mate. He would have wanted to rip your face off if you gained any features of your father but thankfully you were the carbon copy of his Jenni. He mentally thanked you for looking more like your mother than your father, at least he would not have the temptation to erase you off this world.

Still, you were that man's child, a creation of his mate with a human, he despised it, he hated it to the fact that his blood boils at your sight. He shook his head off trying to get off from those awful memories, he takes a last look at you.

"I hate you ugly thing" he murmurs with hatred before exiting your room.

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