In The Vents

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(A/N) Omigosh! A wild Henry's P.O.V. has appeared! O' w 'O

Grabbing the flashlight, I peered into the dark vents.

They creeped me out. A ton.

I took a deep breath. "You're doing this for Boris. You're doing this for Boris." I whisper into the darkness.

I shine the flashlight into the pitch black area. The light only penetrated a few inches in front of me, not making me feel any better about what I was about to do.

Swallowing, I slip into the vents.

The cold metal burns against my skin as I crawl into the darkness.

I can hear the rushing of ink around me, rushing through the walls in eerie waterfalls.

My elbows bump against the walls, reminding me that I'm not supposed to be here.

Each bump sends echos through the vents. Every time I freeze and wait for something to rip out my neck.

No one does.

Suddenly the intercom clicks on making me jump. "Shit!"

"Where did I put that...? Oh! Here we go." Alice mumbles.

Either she doesn't know it's on or she's torturing me. Both are nerve wrecking.

I already know it's too late. It always is. But maybe if I just push myself harder....

I shake my head, continuing down the shaft.

Alice drones on around me. Several times flat-out threatening the wolf.

"I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER!" She shrieked again.

Rolling my eyes I turn a corner. On the other side of it, another vent path gapes open.

And it's on the floor.

I mutter a few curses under my breath. "Well this'll be fun.."

The opening is small enough to make it across, but wide enough to fall down, and mess everything up.

I'll just have to be careful.

I'm halfway across the gap when a loud thud from somewhere in the studio fucks me up.

I flinch and my grip on the other side lossens. Then I let go completely plunging myself into darkness.


There's blood in my mouth.

I lick my sleeve. A small smudge of sticky red shows.

A moment later it's clear that a bitten tongue is surprisingly my severest injury from the fall.

Clicking on my flashlight I find out why. A large glob of ink rises and falls beneath me.

Rises and falls...?

Oh shit.

It's breathing.

I scramble off the ink as fast as humanly possible.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The ink demon stirs next to me, newly awakened.

It rubs its face like a cat and yawns, showing off large sharp teeth.

It turns over looking up at me. If I wasn't so terrified it might actually be cute.

Our eyes lock and it gives me a small silly smile. "Hiya Henry."

I stiffen deeply unsettled with exchange. Keeping an eye on the demon I edge toward the door.

Gripping the door knob with shaky hands I try to open it. It doesn't even budge.

I try again, more desperate this time.

The demon regards me with amusement. "How long ya gonna try that one babe?"

An angry blush breaks out on my cheeks.

"However long it takes! I try every damn door in this shitty excuse for a studio if that's what it takes to save Boris!" I shout. "And I'm not your 'babe'! Just leave me alone you creepy bitch!"


I turn back to the door knob. I can feel the ink demon's gaze over my shoulder.

Half of me wants to say sorry, and the other half wants to start cussing him out about the door knob. So I just stay silent.

After a while the devil speaks again. "Y'know I was asking ya cause that door knob is broken.."

Shame and embarrassment floods through me. "Oh. Sorry."

He shrugs. "It's ok. Besides who would listen to a creepy bitch?"

I give a nervous laugh. "Well I guess I should."

My hero laughs along. "Thanks. Anyway I guess ya should go save Boris then, huh?"

"Oh, yeah." I glance around for an exit.

The demon smirks as he grabs me by my waist and lifts me into the air. I yelp, surprised at the sudden touch.

He carries me over to a vent on the other side of the roof and lifts me up so I can reach it.

I grip the edge and swing myself up. "Thanks."

He smiles below. "No prob. You better get savin' though."

I turn around to face the narrow dark passage dreading being alone again and fighting Boris.

"H-hey Bendy?" I mumble.

"What's up?" Too late to back out now.

I take a deep breath. "How'd you like to kick some angel ass?"

Silence fills the air once again, but only for a moment. Bendy jumps up in the vent next to me.

I smile, thankful to have something of a friend with me. "So babe you have any plans?"

The demon grins at the nick name. "None. But don't you always win?"

I frown. "Not exactly. Boris...uh...Always dies..."

"Well, this time you got back up!"

"I suppose it might work.." I tell him my new idea of how to make things go down differently.

He nods and grins. "Sounds like a date then."

We crawled down the vents together, the cramped space now feeling cozy with my newly acquired demon company.

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now