Bodyguard AU

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Bendy dumped himself down in the swivel chair with a sigh. "Are you comin' in, or does standing in the doorway intimidatingly get you off?"

Henry shifted in the hallway, briefly examining the wooden floor before hesitantly entering the room. "You- you talk?" he asked after a moment.

The star mussed his fluff mane of black hair in front of the mirror distractedly. "'Course I talk. You don't?"

"Well, it's just, you normally don't." he conceded after another moment.

The smaller hemmed and hawed. "I ain't paid to talk, Henry."

They sat in silence for a moment as Henry watched Bendy smear on some tasteful black lipstick.

He pursed his lips and cursed. "Damn. Put too much. Want some?" he asked.


"Just teasin'." he finally relented. "Anyways, there's a carnival in town, and I was plannin' on going solo, but I accidentally bought two tickets 'stead of one, so..."

"...You want me to go with you?" Henry clarified.

The star grinned. "Ten points to the sexy one in the back! You got it, super-star."

"I..." Henry checked his watch.

9 : 3 0 P . M .

"Isn't it a little late for a carnival?"

The smaller scoffed in amusement. "No? Why, you gotta curfew, pal?"

He pulled his work clothes over his head, and Henry looked away. "No, but Joey..."

"Joey can go choke on a wad of bills," the other's grin widened further as he dug through his mirrored dresser shirtless. "I'm not asking Mistah J, I'm asking you. 'S a yes or no question."

"Was that a Batman reference?"

"Yes, yes it was. Was that a 'yes I am going' or a 'no, get off my fuckin' case'?"

"Yeah, guess I'll come."

"Lovely. You gonna get dressed up or go like that?" He slipped a black belt with a silver buckle around his black pants underneath his black tuxedo as he inked on a wing of eyeliner. Long story short, Bendy wore a lot of black when Joey wasn't dressing him up to appease customers.

"Do you want me to?"

"Hah, no."

The crisp winter air of France poured down on their shoulders as they walked down the street. Bendy's heels clicked and clacked while Henry's tapped dully on their way to the carnival.

(Kinda short sorry-)

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now