A Mansion In The Woods

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Requested by: Littledemon55

Rain. Oh, how I hate it.

Instead of covering the ground with a fluffy white pillow like snow did, It just ran all over things.

Like my car off the road.

I gaze at my car, which is currently having its roof and ceiling removed by a small tree I landed on.

Luckily I'm unharmed though. Physically anyway...

First Linda ruins my life, then I crash my car...what next?

Tears threaten to fall, but I hold them back. Right now I need to find some form of civilization.

Running my hand down my face, I turn around.  Which way was the road again?

"Nononono." I whine at the trees surrounding me.

 I was literally looking at the road a few seconds ago, and now I have no earthly idea which direction it's in. Things fall apart so fast..

Cold water drips down the back of my shirt, causing me to stiffen. I need to find somewhere to stay or I'm as good as a soggy corpse.

I glance around at the trees. Everyway looks the same...


"SHIT!" I scream dashing forward as fast as humanly possible.

I pound through the thick foliage, my heart in my throat.

Whatever that was I'm not sticking around to find out more about it.

I run as fast and as hard as I can through the woods.

I need out. Right now.

My foot suddenly catches on something.

I yelp, before skidding to a stop on the cold wet grass.

Cursing under my breath I glance back to see what it was.

A tombstone.

I tripped over a fucking tombstone.

I shakily pull myself to my feet. My shirt sleeve is ripped, a deep cut running up my arm.

Gripping my now waterfall of an arm, I trudge forward, sleep and desperation clawing at my mind.

Just as I'm about to slump to the ground and hope Linda blames herself for my death, a flicker of light dances in the corner of my eye.

I might not die after all.

At first I though it was a gas station. But no, It's a mansion.

I stagger towards the entrance, to numb to care about how it would look for a grown man with a ripped shirt to be banging on your door at midnight. 

No answer.

I knock again.

Still no answer.

I turn the door knob.

It opens.

I step into the house, my vision blurring as it fades to black.

Congratulations Henry, you are now a crook.




Some one is cooking bacon.

I roll over on the floor.

Wait. Someone is cooking bacon.

I shoot up panic flooding my mind. "OmigoshI'msorryIwasjustreallytiredand-"

A blanket drapes over my shoulder as they sit down next to me. "Yeesh,calm down would ya?"

I nod silently a soft blush growing on my cheeks.

 They, in fact are a very tall, and very attractive demon...thing.

They shove the plate of bacon at me. "Here. You'll prolly wanna eat something."

I hold my knees up to my chest, suddenly noticing my bandaged arm.

"You touched me while I was asleep?!"

They pick up a piece of bacon, shoving it into their mouth. "You came into my house when I was asleep and I'm not freaking out."

"Exactly. It's creepy!"

They roll their eyes. "Shut up and eat."

"No! Why are you so calm?!" I snap.

The demon sticks half of the piece of bacon in his mouth before pressing his lips against mine.

"Shuddup and eat. You need the food."

I pull away furiously blushing. The bacon is AMAZING.

Grabbing another piece I place it into my mouth.

They smirk at me. "You like it?"

"No." I lie.

"Want another kiss?" They tease.

"NO!" I yell, completely flustered at the strangers question.

"Why are you helping me anyway?" I press.

"Because you're mine."

I frown in confusion. "What?"

The demon pops another strip of bacon into their fanged mouth.

"The point is I like you, and I want to have you around, and if I'm ever gonna sell this thing I'd need to clean it up first."

I stare dumfounded at him. "Your kidding right?!"

A grin stretches across their face. "Nope!"

"Are you joking?!"

They pause as If thinking. "No."

"You can start working tomorrow, but for now, lets just enjoy this bacon."

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