Doctor's Orders

930 34 15

Requested by: Ghostheart123

I sit by the entrance of the studio with a large grin on my face. Henry would be here soon.

My tail whips back and forth in excitement, making small thumping sounds as it hits the wall.

The door slowly swings open and Henry walks in. He looks...kinda..umm..dead.

I step in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. "Where do you think you're going?"

He looks down at me with a tired smile. "I'm just a little sick is all. And I'm going to the animation department."

My eyes widen. Henry is practically dying...and he's just gonna go to work?!

"No you're not. We're going to the nurses office."

Henry sighs. "you're not going to let this go are you?"

"No. I'm not. You're important to me Henry, I don't want anything to happen to you!"

He rolls his tired eyes with a smile. "Okay, lead the way then."

I nod grabbing the mans hand. It's warm. Too warm.

Henry gazes up at the nurses sign as he walks under it. Not sick ,not paid.

Lets hope you're sick.

The lady glances up at us from her other patient. One of Sammy's people I think. They're constantly swallowing their reeds for some reason.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asks in a monotone, I don't actually care, voice.

"....." Henry is silent.

And the next thing I know, we're being shoved out of the nurses office.

I stare up at Henry. "Why'd your mouth stop working?"

He makes a hacking sound. "I'm not really a people person.."

I nod in understanding. "Yeah, you're more of a demon kind of guy, right?"

A chuckle escapes his lips. "Sure."

And then he practically dies coughing.

"We seriously need to do something about your sick though." I frown, dragging him down the hall to the animation department. 

Gently pushing Henry onto his seat, I worm my way into his lap. "What do you normally do when a people is sick?"

"You should probably keep your distance, Bendy. I don't want you getting sick." He states a-matter-of-factly.

I roll my pie cut eyes. "I'm a demon. I don't get sick." Probably anyway..

Slamming my hands on the table I grin at Henry, who just got the jump scare of his life.

"I know! I'll be your nurse! Hold on a sec while I go get a sexy outfit!"

Slipping under Henrys arms, I dash into the costume closet.

Alice is there. "Hiya stupid."

She glares back. "Hi."

"Ya have any sexy nurses outfits?" I grin despite myself.

"Yes." She hands me a silky white dress with a little red plus on it.

I guess nurses are into math or something.

"Why do you want it anyway?" She pries, into none of her business.

"'Cause Henrys sick and Immna be his hot nurse." I brag, picking up a first aid kit, conveniently in the closet as well. 

She frowns. "That's not fair! I want to be the hot nurse!"

I stick out my tongue, already dashing back down the hall. "Well you're not his boyfriend!"

As I dash down the hall, I pull the dress over my head. "Don't worry Henny! You're hot nurse is coming!"

Henry is slumped over the table, already starting to work on the next cartoon.

"Ok. I'm in a sexy nurse outfit, now we need to give you a check up!" I grin.

Digging through the bag I pull out soup. I dumped out all the weird stuff in the kitchen.

"As your doctor I prescribe soup and snuggling with your boyfriend!"

He pauses a confused look on his face. Oh yeah, I haven't told him yet.


I pull a blanket out of the bag. If I don't talk about it he'll forget.

Suddenly arms loop around my waist and scoop me up. "Just what I needed."

My face flushes a dark gray as my tail curls into a small heart. "P-PUT ME DOWN!"

Henry smirks. "Sorry, doctors orders bud."

"I-I changed my mind." I mumble.

"Too late." He whispers, a smile on his face.

Henry pulls the blanket around both of us as I open a can of soup.

The brothy brown soup swirls in the spoon as I lift it to Henry mouth.

His chin rests on my head his eyes contently shut.

Being doctor has it's perks.



" long are we going to stay like this?"

"Until Joey walks in and asks us what the hell we're doing."   

"Sounds good."                                                                                 

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now