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This chapter contains blood, Bendy biting into butcher gang members heads, ect... Just a heads up. :0

Floorboards creaked underfoot as the demon stumbled through the studio, scavenging for food.

Winter was quickly approaching Joey Drew Studios, and for a certain ink demon, this meant hibernation.

And hibernation meant eating a whole hell ton of food.

It slowly blinked, watching the ink from its head drip, and splatter on the ground like blood.

Blood was always so pretty, the dark red tone and its gentle tap, tap, tap, as it fell to the floor.

But Henry was the only one who had that, and every time the demon killed him it seemed to get more polluted with ink.

The demon shook its head, and kept walking. Shelves loomed over the ink demon as he walked through the toy manufacturing area, glancing briefly at the cans of soup.

No, soup wouldn't work. It was just ink in cans, he needed something with blood, something alive.

Hmm. Maybe Henry? No. Henry was mostly ink now anyway; besides, it felt like a violation of some sort.

Bendy's tail thumped against the floor boards as he stood, when suddenly something caught his eye.

Something had ran past, a butcher gang member it seemed. The ink demon gave chase to the smaller being, quickly overtaking it.

He snatched it up, holding it at eye level where he could see it clearly. The butcher gang member squirmed erratically as the demon took a large bite out of its head, teeth tearing into its flesh.

Warm ink dribbled down the ink demons claws and onto the floor below, drool dripping from its mouth.

The demon spat the flesh out, taking another bite just because he could. Despite the demon's hopes, the butcher gang member was made of ink, like almost every other goddamn thing in the studio.

The ink demon reached into Charlie's chest, ripping out it's beating heart. The being went still, and Bendy's grin widened.

He bit into the heart, blood spurting from the organ as he shoved it into his mouth and swallowed.

It felt nice to eat again.

The ink demon stepped into the wall, setting off to find more food.

Ink pooled around the demon as he traveled through the studio, down, down, to the choo choo station.

Bendy stepped out of the wall, heading down the stairs. The screaming wretch wasn't here, so he was probably busy with Henry in the depths of the studio or something.

He strode through the ink, admiring the choo choos as he went.

The boxes were piled with hearts, but not as much as the demon was hoping for. There were ten of them at most.

The ink demon growled, but consumed the hearts anyway.

He ducked back into the walls. Just a little more food would probably hold him over for the winter, but where to find it..?

Bendy headed over to the angels domain, scanning the hallways for food.

And there was Henry, holding an armful of hearts, dashing and cursing at searches like his life depended on it.

The ink demon stepped out of the hall, and Henry's cursing and screaming increased by ten.

The demon pushed past the searchers, and chased after Henry.

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now