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I dashed around the corner, stumbling and scrambling into the little miracle station. I rush in, making sure to securely shut the door behind me.

As I stand in the wooden box I hold my breath, trying to manage my labored breathing as footsteps approach the box.

Floorboards creak and groan underneath its feet, the tattered white bowtie on its bony chest getting closer and closer from my view through the slit in the door until it's the only thing visible.

My breath hitches, catching in my throat. Normally the demon never got this close, and the second the door was shut would forget he was chasing me all together and retreat.

But this time..something had changed..maybe it was because it saw me in the station after fighting the Projectionist?

No, that couldn't be right, I was the only one who remembered the loops..

Thin fingers slip around the gap between the door and station wall. I panic, trying to think of an escape route.

They curl around it, sharp claws digging into the wood and making a small scraping sound that makes shivers run down my spine.

With a loud CRACK- the claws pierce through the door and it swings open.

The demon stands there for a moment, gazing in at me as I gaze back with large eyes.

He grunts, leaning over so he can see into the box.

His sharp teeth shine in the dim light as his eyes land on me and I panic, gripping my axe so hard my hands hurt.

I can't see his eyes, but I get that feeling that happens when you lock eyes with someone.

"..A'ight, try to scream too loud, but I'm going to come in."

I scream, scrambling to get the hell outta there.

He calmly puts a gloved hand on my mouth and grabs my arm, placing my body back into the little miracle station. "Shut it shortcake."

Slouching over he pushes me onto the small bench in the station, forcing me to sit. He then comes in, sitting on my lap and crossing his lanky legs behind my back.

"..So, I think it's about time you learned the rules of the studio." The demon says with a grin.

I swallow nervously. "Y-you can talk?!"

He smiles in amusement. "Yeah no shit, you too. -Now, back to business!"

"I've seen you stumbling through here, and it's pathetic. I need someone worth fighting, not some sheepish animator. Here are some rules of thumb for this hellhole- don't talk to Sammy, he's got nothing interesting to say- don't stay with Boris, he'll take your food and it'll also draw Original Angel's attention..."

I laugh awkwardly despite my circumstances. "Sorry but this isn't really helpful-" "-Shut up, you'll also want to stop eating 'soup' it's just ink in cans."

I throw up.

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now