Shut up.

983 33 2

Requested by: Littledemon55

Henry sighed, shifting the bag on his shoulder.

No one had invited him back to the studio...but...something told him he needed to come back.

So, you can imagine how awkward he was feeling just showing up randomly like this.

Gathering his courage, he grabbed the door handle, turning it at the speed of a turtle. The rusty metal making an ominous squeaking noise.

"What the hell...?" Ink covered the floor, the ceiling, the walls...basically every surface was coated in the shimmering black goo.

It looked like Bendy exploded.

Oh shit.


Without thinking Henry dashed into the studio. Bendy had to be okay. He just had to.

He slogged through the ink, permanently staining his tan trousers.

"BENDY!" He practically screamed. "BUD WHERE ARE YOU?!"

The floorboards suddenly creaked under him as if in warning. He continued anyway.

Big mistake.

The floor suddenly bent in under him, plunging him into inky darkness.

He fell for several tense minutes that seemed like hours. Then SPLASH! He had landed.

Wiping the bitter ink off of his tongue and face, he stood up.

He was in a large room...cave(?) Floodlights beamed down from the high ceiling sending bright yellow light onto the ink below.

Smack dab in the middle of the room, (If you could even call it that,) was a huge chain link fence wall, backed up by large wooden pillars.

"What the hell did you do, Joey?" He mumbled in disbelief wading towards the wall.

He gripped onto the metal diamonds and started climbing up the wall, the cold metal biting into his skin.

He didn't know what he was going to do when he got to the top, he just knew he was going to do it.

Soon, Henry reached the top of the wall.

Pulling himself over the wood railing, he found himself face to face with some sort of monster.

"SHIT! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU?!" He screeched, fumbling back against the wooden railing.

But the inky human just stood and watched in a sadistic way, as if it gave up all hope of caring centuries ago.

Henry took a deep breath. "Ok, I'm going to assume you are not going to kill me, so you better not."

The creature didn't move.

"Thank you," He breathed, through clenched teeth. "I'm going to go find Joey."

Suddenly, all passiveness left the being as they charged at Henry.

He moved out of the way quickly, wondering what on earth had happened. The being continued down the path never looking back at Henry once.

"Now to find Joey...." He turned around in a full circle surveying his cartoony surroundings.

His eyes finally landing on a tall pillar in the center of the structure, it looked like some kind of throne...and Joey was sitting ontop of it!

Henry found a latter bolted to the wall and proceeded to climb into the middle of the structure.

A few feet from the ground, he jumped off of the latter and dashed towards Joey.

He dashed through the small makeshift houses toward him.

"JOEY! JOEY WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! ARE YOU OK?" He waved his arms frantically dashing towards the structure.

Suddenly something lunged at him launching Henry back into the shadow of another shack.

"Shut up." They growled. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

Henry groaned in pain, a dull ringing in his head. When his eyes finally adjusted, he was met with a rather shocking sight.


A familiar inky demon was waist on waist with him, pinning him to the ground. A sickening grin on his face.

"Ink demon." It corrected curtly. "We don't use names here."

Henry shook his head in confusion and annoyance. "No I named you-"

The demon let out a low snarl. "Listen here Henry. You do not own me. No one does."

Choking back hot tears, Henry nodded, genuinely terrified of the thing the used to give him joy and meaning.

The ink demon, now a bit ashamed about his actions stared at the man with wide ink covered eyes.

He was actually kind of cute when absolutely terrified.

A few moments passed, the two just staring at each other before Henry spoke up.

"C-can you get off of me now?"

A hard blush broke out on the ink demons face. "Yeah."

The two males then shifted apart, putting as much distance between each other as possible in the small shaded area.



Henry took off running.

The ink demon chased after him, and once close enough, commenced to a second tackling.

Luckily Henry hadn't gotten as far as he liked, and Joey still had no idea of his presence. 

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" The twisted toon hissed in his ear, positively pissed off.

Henry scoffed. "Escaping, you crazy bitch."

Bendy huffed pulling him to his feet. "Well, I'm definitely not as bad as the bitch you're running to."

"How are you not as crazy?! Damn I must be missing some puzzle pieces or something."

Pulling Henry to his feet in one swift motion the demon dragged him to a safe house.

"You're missing the whole fucking puzzle." The demon growled at his creator. "How do you not see whats going on? Joeys on a fuckin' throne for hells sake!"

The hatred in the demons voice shocked Henry. Despite looking like someone who had everything under control, he clearly was just tired. Tired and done.

"What do you think that means?! I means he's in control Henry! You don't know...when you left..things got bad. I've seen so many friends....Joey killed them. All of them."

The ink demon slumped to the ground his head in his hands. "I just...don't want that to happen to you."

Henry sat down next to him. "Hey."

He placed a hand and on Bendy's back. "I'm here now. We'll fix it. We can change things from the past, but we can try our best moving on."

A shaky sigh came out of the ink beast as he slumped against the humans shoulder.

"Thank you."

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now