A Rainy Night

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(A/N) Sorry for not updating for a while! I kinda didn't get a lot of ideas...But then it rained today, so what the hell, lets make a story about that!

Also, We're currently #2 in Benry?! THANK YOU!❤️

I sat at my desk occasionally looking up at the clock. 11:30 pm, It read in the dark.

Linda would have my head for staying this late.

Sighing, I picked up my pencil and started sketching out a few frames of the cartoon in the dark.

Moments large drops of water hit the window as the wind picks up. The temperature drops to a chilling degree in response to the horrible weather.

"Great." I sigh. "Now I'm tired and freezing."

I pin my work to the table with my elbows, before burying my head in my arms. Tonight was possibly the worst day of my life.

Some while later, the door to my office clicked open and small footsteps padded up to my desk.

A gloved hand gently pokes my arm. "Hen? That you?"

I sit up finding myself face to face with my demon. He smiles.

"Wow. Ya must be really sleepy to fall asleep on the job like that."

I glance up at the clock. 12:00. I frown. "What are you doing here at night?"

Bendy smiles. "Of course I'm here silly, I live here! I should be asking you that."

A large bolt of lightning suddenly streaks through the sky making the demon jump.

"SHIT!" He yells scrambling into my lap, burying his head in my chest. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

Rubbing the demons back, I chuckle. "That's thunder. Don't worry it can't hurt you."

The demon whimpers.

I frown. "Here, why don't you stay with me?"

Bendy nods against my chest. "Yeah. You must be pretty scared. But don't worry, I can protect you!"

A large bolt of lightning streaks across the sky, lighting up the room once more.




I gaze out my old office window.

I had tried to break all of them several times, but it never worked.

Water ran down its transparent surface. It was spring right now. I tried to keep track of the seasons. It had been fall last time I was here....I think....?

Pressing my face against the cool window I sighed. There was no point in keeping track of the seasons if I could never get out of here.

Turning away from the glass I slump to the floor. I'm just way too tired to keep going right now.

I stare up at the clock out of habit, watching the second hand go round and round.


I growl as a large rumble shakes through the building. I'm genuinely terrified right now.

Weather is not my favorite. It changes waaay too much for my tastes.


My eyes go wide with fear.

Nope. No fucking way am I staying here.

I slip off of my throne in search to find Henry. Maybe if I see him scared for his life, I won't be scared for mine.

I trudge down the dark hallways. Everyone/ Everything is asleep right now, making the studio almost completely silent.

Slipping into the space between walls, I grab loose boards pulling myself up to the first floor of the studio.

As I pass by rooms I peer into the doorways looking for the animator.

And after many doors I finally found him. He's curled up on the floor of his old office.

"Typical." I growl passing through the doorway.

The man doesn't look up, his head buried in his arms. Just like... I shake my head. I don't have time for memories right now.

Even as I'm inches away from the man, he doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

I sit down next to him. Surprisingly, Henry doesn't even flinch.

I'm about to poke him when thunder booms outside closer than ever.

For some reason I can't explain, I grab Henry and pull him onto my lap, burying my head in his hair.

Henry also has no idea what I'm doing, thus freaking the fuck out.

He squirms in my grip, trying desperately to get free. "What the hell?!" He screams.

A nervous smile breaks out on my face. Now instead of Henry being scared, and me being fine, we're both scared.

Another round of thunder rings out causing me to tighten my grip on Henry, who continues to freak out.

After a while though, Henry calms down a bit, seeming to have decided he's not gonna die.

I'm still too scared to prove him wrong. I flinch again at the thunder, growling and baring my teeth.

"U-um...B-bendy...Are you okay?" Henry suddenly asks, catching me off guard.

Why would Henry even care?

"Whaddya think?" Lightning suddenly lights up the room. I grimace. "D-do you want me to stay with you?"

I pause for a moment. "Ya think you have a choice Hen?"

"No." He says, but I can tell he's smiling a little.

Soon, the lightning stops and the patter of raindrops against the window is the only sound left.

I let out a sigh of relief, loosening my grip on my companion. "Finally."

"Still scared of lighting buddy?" Henry asks, surprisingly not booking it to the door.

"Still scared of me Henry?" I shoot back, embarrassed.

"A bit." Henry admits.

I frown. "You mean alot right?" He chuckles. "No."

I sigh. "Thought so." But don't make a move to hurt or threaten him.

Letting go of Henry completely I put my hands behind my head, laying on the floor.

I honestly don't care enough to move right now. And apparently Henry doesn't either because he lays down next to me.

I smirk. "Feeling lonely Stein?" He smiles. "Yes actually."

"Whatever, just don't get too comfortable." "I won't."



Henry breaks out laughing.

"It's going to be a long night."

BENDY X HENRY ONESHOTS *cough*(CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now