Ocean AU

508 19 33

Requested by: LittleDemon55

The moon waned high above the ocean. Frothy dark waves smashed into the beach surf, and the salty sea air swayed the palm leaves back and forth.

Henry's paddle cut through the uneven water with minimal effort, dark swirling whirlpools curling around the wooden tip as he pulled out. Plunging the paddle deep into the waves, Henry took one last deep inhale of the salty air.

He was just about to head back to shore when his board wavered. He dropped to his knees. He didn't want to fall into the inky abyss of the night time ocean. Just as he prepared to stand, the board rocked again. Cold ripples danced across the water's shimmering surface.

He swallowed, and his pale reflection in the water gulped. What was down there? The unspoken question sent a small shiver down his spine. It wasn't uncommon for sharks to brush across the cove.

A sleek finned tail ran across the side of the board as it emerged from the water. This time Henry was nearly thrown from his spot. He got down on his hands and knees to steady himself. For a moment, the rocking stopped.

Whatever the creature was, it must've gotten— the man yelped as the board flipped.

Cold water surged over his head as he went under. Pale light of the moon called to him from the muffled world above, and he swam for it. But as soon as he nearly reached the surface something sharp grazed his ankle. His lungs burned as he felt himself being dragged down.

Yanked harshly down, his eyes were met with the dim figure of the sea creature. Pearly sharp fangs danced in front of his blurring vision. Something warm and wet clamped around the lower half of his face, and he screamed. Bubbles went up. His body didn't.

A large shark-like tail slipped around his back. Smooth scales brushed his cold skin, pushing him towards waiting hands. Large clawed hands felt up and down the human's frame. They explored him, pulling fabric, brushing at hair and rubbing skin until his ribcage was at its bursting point. Salt stung his honey gold eyes. He was going to drown.

Henry struggled with the creature, ripping his wrist out of its hand. Kicking away from it, he used the last of the strength in his body to break the surface. Wheezing, he filled his lungs with the sharp ocean air. He furiously blinked burning water from his eyes.

Drifting behind a dark cloud, the moon dimmed above him, the water turning into an unnerving rumpled ink black sheet around him. Eyes skimming the water for his board, he coughed. His kicks slowed beneath him as the cold dampened his strength.

The board was nowhere in sight. He shivered. The frigid water jostled him to and fro. His lungs were filled with it and treading water was becoming harder by the second. Sleep filled his salt stung eyes despite his body knowing perfectly well it was about to fail.

A finned tail slinked around his legs as he was suddenly ripped from the water. He sputtered and sat up, only to find himself inside a dim cave. At one point he had gone unconscious. He couldn't remember when.

As he sat up something large and slimy fell into his lap. A tail. His body became stiff at the realization and as he got his senses back, he realized it was all around him. A large, oil coated, living thing.

The tail in his lap beat across his legs as something warm and wet dragged across his cheek. He shuddered. A low vibration ran through the creature's body, starting in its throat and reaching all the way down to the tips of its tail in his lap.

The midnight shark-like tail around his waist tightened almost possessively, and he whimpered. Humid breath teased his ear, and the smell of oil burned his nose.

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