Be Gay, Do Crimes. (MAFIA AU)

848 28 26

Sorry, i forgot who requested this, but here ya go. ;-;

Henry wiped down tables with his new co-worker, Bendy. They were apparently an intern from California looking for work in a more affordable place to live.

Their dress swung from their hips as they scrubbed at the table, the sun hat on their head bobbing up and down.

They suddenly noticed how Henry was staring and winked at him.

Bendy didn't talk much, and Henry didn't mind, he was more of an introvert anyway. Henry realized that he had been staring and turned away, refocusing on his table again.

The bar would be opening any minute now and Joey always wanted it spotless, although the drunkards probably wouldn't mind if it was trashed by the end of the night anyway.

The man glanced at the clock, and gave the tables a final wipe off before motioning for the intern to follow him over to the backbar, where they would be serving drinks for the rest of the night.

Bendy followed closely behind him, taking a place next to him behind the counter.

Henry and Joey had originally opened the bar together, but Joey had gotten twisted and dark; and Henry had managed to end up as more of an employee than a manager.

Speaking of the bitch himself, Joey exited his upper room and clambered down the stairs as the clock struck nine, letting in all of the waiting people.

At the sight of Joey, Bendy rather casually reached down and pulled a shotgun out of their bag.

Henry noted the familiar shining of gunmetal in their gloved hand and froze, a knot forming in his chest. "Y-you're not really supposed to bring guns in here.." He mumbled, hoping to catch Joey's attention discreetly with their special wave.

The 'intern' made no move, but responded in a rather masuline demonic voice, surprising Henry and sending shivers down his spine. "Look, I'm not here tah hurt ya, and I'd frankly not like tah, so put your arm down, if ya know what's good for ya."

Henry stopped, realizing that Joey wouldn't notice anyway, because right now he was busy trying to impress the mayor, who had stated several times before that she wasn't interested in him.

"A-alright. Who are you here to hurt then?" The bartender's voice wavered and cracked as he watched several esteemed and eccentric guests walk in.

Following the human's gaze he laughed. "None of those pompous shit stacks, not today anyway-"

He grabbed the smaller man's face with a gloved hand, turning it in the direction of Joey. "-That's tha guy I'm going for, took some money from me a ways back, still hasn't returned on the investment."

Henry nodded, his blood running cold as he squirmed uncomfortably in Bendy's grip. "Y-you're not really from California are you?"

"Nope. Glad ya like the dress and sun hat though, I was worried it was a bit excessive." He grinned, letting go of Henry's cheeks. "It's a real shame that I won't be seeing you again though. You're quite a pretty little thing."

Henry scoffed, fear switching turning to annoyance as he wiped his cheeks off with his shirt sleeve. "I'm not a thing for your viewing pleasure."

The taller man(?) whined at this. "Aw, c'mon, I was just complimenting ya, I didn't mean anythin' by it- honest."

Henry rolled his eyes. "Thanks, now go kill Joey or whatever, I'm done with this conversation."

Bendy shrugged and jumped the counter and into the crowd, no doubt going off to end Joey's debt-filled life.


Bendy pushed through the crowd, beating himself up for messing it up with Henry. He seemed like such a genuine guy, the kinda person he'd want as his right hand man.

But no, he blew it.

As he made his way to Joey, Bendy understood why the compliment had set the bartender off.

Someone had tried to grab his hip and had grabbed the gun instead, a perfect set up for when the mafia boss raised it to shoot 'em in the head, being a no tolerance guy he is.

Of course this caused a panic, the sound of a gunshot putting the people into a frenzy as they desperately pushed and shoved to get to the exit.

This just started a full out war, Joey's people beginning to flip tables and pull out rifles and guns of their own.

Feeling the evening go sour he dashed after the fraudster who was already trying to depart.

Bendy grinned, pulling his shotgun out and rapidly firing at the fleeing man. "C'mon Jo Jo, where are ya goin'? The party's just startin'!"

Joey briefly froze at the familiar voice, before quickening his pace. "I don't want any part with that demon you hear me?! Keep him the hell away from me!" He ordered, but it was too late.

When he had stopped the demon had pulled a large steak knife out a tipped table and had thrown it at the man, impaling him in the chest and pinning him to the wall.

"Bulls eye." The demon whispered, as a cascade of bullets came from every direction, the deafening sound of gunshots filling the bar

Joey wheezed, staring down in disbelief. Then started laughing among the chaos. "S-see y-you in h-hell demon!"

Bendy didn't respond, grabbing one of the tables as cover and dragging it back to the bar for some cover while he got out the back entrance.

What he wasn't planning on though, was the bartender still being there. Henry lays on the ground in a pool of sticky red, his chest barely moving up and down in shallow breaths.

My throat goes dry. "God dammit you stupid bitch, why didn't you leave?! This was supposed to be a clean job!"

He doesn't respond, the bullet wound still leaking his precious blood onto the dirty ground.

"Ok, ok, fine, I guess its my fault." Bendy starts rambling to himself as he rips off a strip of the dress, using it as a makeshift bandage

"You're going to be ok, I'll take you back tah my place, and you'll get all better!" His hands were shaking as he dripped all over the floor, the ink responding to his emotions as he pulled the man onto his back.

Bendy dashed out of the back of the bar, with Henry on his back in a sort of piggyback ride. He slid into the waiting car, Boris gunning the engine.

 Henry died that night in Bendy's arms.

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