Arc 1: Early Encounters Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 1: Lands of Rodenius

Chapter 1: Early Encounters

Farmlands, Qua-Toyne Principality

Central Calendar Year 1639 8:00 Morning

The Darkness began to fade away as the sun rose over the horizon. It slowly revealed the different colors of the flowers that swayed gently in the breeze along with the grass and trees. Among the vast countryside, lies the farmlands of the Principality. Numerous Medieval-like windmills stood along certain spots of the land, if it weren't for them, one would actually be convinced that the whole scene is part of a picturesque view of a North American or European field. Though the scenery would soon change as a Wyvern could be seen traversing across the land.

As the lone Wyvern knight made his third round of attempt into inspecting the whole farmlands. Even though He knew that everything was going well so far, he still had no choice but to follow the protocols, which apparently had now become stricter than ever. The recent rumors regarding the so called ambitious campaign of the Saderan Empire had spread out rapidly across the kingdom. It also had instilled more fear for the people of the Principality, knowing that the Empire itself was considered a superpower in the whole continent and had a reputation of having a Human-only supremacist mindset.

"All clear in Borderland's Farmlands." The Knight thought to himself, almost finishing his patrol.

"Looks like another good harvest for this season."

Finally finishing his morning patrol, the Wyvern Knight headed back to the main headquarters, as his thoughts began to entertain him once more. The recent string of good news for the nation, be it in the economic side, military side, or just the normal life in general, had placed some doubts or rather personal suspicions for himself. It was just too good to be true. Never in centuries should the Principality be experiencing continuous success and progress, despite being not part of the Civilized kingdoms from the north and at risk of being invaded by hostile nations. Personally, he felt that this was only punishment in disguise, when after all of this that catastrophe would then soon struck.

Only time will tell for now.

Work began in the early hours of the morning, for a young blonde elf lady named Anna, this was the main source of livelihood. Her family had been part of the farming community for centuries, one of the first to settle in the land blessed by the Goddess.

She walked along a small path carrying a basket containing several pieces of bread, and a couple of water leather flasks. She was on her way to the area where her a certain human friend had been currently collecting the harvested crops when she saw the Wyvern knight going about the usual inspections.

She took the time to observe the flying beast as it patrolled the land. The Wyvern knights of the Principality were very well-respected and looked up to. They were the eyes from above and were the first ones to eventually know of an ongoing situation.

Thanks to them, the Principality's main economy had been kept safe for thousands of years.

When she arrived at her destination, she chose the usual spot for a small picnic area, placing the basket on a rocky surface and briefly resting herself under the shade of a large tree..

She turned her attention to her friend, who was still harvesting the crops, and invited him to join her for a quick snack. It didn't take long for him to arrive, and he quickly grabbed the leather flask to take a drink.

"Thank you so much Anna!" The man said with a smile, placing his pitchfork on the ground and took the time to replenish his thirst.

Anna didn't say anything but smiled in response. At the same time, her attention was drawn back to the Wyvern, which was still in the area, and the atmosphere began to shift for a moment as a result of the sudden powerful gush of wind.

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