Arc 1: Early Encounters Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 1: Lands of Rodenius

Chapter 2: Early Encounters Part 2

"The concept of being in another world continues to fascinate me to this day. It has advantages and disadvantages. To be honest, the situation is quite complicated right now if you ask me. It's as if you threw those two elements into a blender and watched them blend together beautifully."

-Excerpt from the New World Journal

An Hour Earlier

Keep out! This is a Hazard Zone Beyond this point is Prohibited! - Coalition, Special Region

The Great March was briefly halted as one of General Ruga's higher ranking officials gave the order to the rest of the men to stop their tracks as they came across what appears to be some kind of wooden sign that had a strange design along with a type of coloring pigment. At first, everyone had thought it was a magical trap of some sort since there was a series of unknown incantations scribbled on the base of the colorful board. They've dealt with a similar situation before when they were attacking a certain kingdom that possessed similar objects with incantations, and when neared it or just passed by it, the object would glow and thus release a powerful magical explosion that would kill many.

They would soon realize that this object was just a normal sign with glyphs revealed to be written in common language, much to their surprise and relief.

"It's fascinating to think that these beings could understand and write our language." One of the higher officials expressed his opinion as he witnessed the item on display, which drew the attention of the majority of the brethren. "However, it's likely they were the ones who built this thing, given that they may have captured Imperial soldiers in their hands."

"This seems to be a warning of some sort not to venture the hill."

It made sense, given that numerous Imperial Patrol Groups had vanished without a trace at night and even during the day, according to the rumors. Furthermore, some soldiers from those patrol groups abandoned their posts, leaving the Empire entirely out of fear and heading straight for the Volga territories to join the General, knowing that they would suffer the consequences.

These former Imperial Soldiers, who now consider themselves as mercenaries, saw the General as their last hope in fighting against the dominant force that had ruled the continent for hundreds of years. They saw the Volga Territories as their new home.

To begin with, the Volga territories were not even a country. For several years, these lands were home to numerous tribes who managed to elude the Empire's conquest. The territories were only incorporated into the now-unofficial independent state after a certain General from one of the Empire's vassal states successfully led a rebellion and broke away from the Empire.

The Self-proclaimed Warlord General had taken matters into his own hands to build his ambition that eventually grew to a campaign, which attracted a lot of individuals to join his cause, be it their grudge against the Empire or for their own personal gains. From Independent mercenaries, former noble knights, and many more have joined the cause.

As he looked across to his men and then back to the wooden sign, a proud smile crept across General Ruga's face. There was a point when he all considered whether the hill's forces and treasures were worth taking, even though it was obvious that the Empire had failed miserably in achieving the same goal.

"In an attempt to threaten us with these words..." He muttered, gesturing to the others." Men! Take it down."

The small group of soldiers heeded his orders as immediately they headed towards the wooden sign and quickly tore it down.

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