Arc 2: Noble City XIII: Aftermath III

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan, as they belong to their rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy, A Dragon

Noble City XIII: Aftermath III

The Sirens had gone off.

They knew it...Everyone in the Garrison knew it.

Something was happening or had already happened.

"Dammit! Why are they not responding!?" One of the supervisors had already cussed out the rest of the men, who trying to figure out a small but major problem.

The Manacom devices, which they considered state of the art weren't even helping they were the ones giving headaches.

The first siren was a false alarm since not a single enemy had turned up.

Then another siren went off and this time the source of it came from the fields themselves.

It had been several hours since the last message was given by Captain Julius, who was supposed to be leading Maihark's Wyvern divisions toward the so-called battlefield.

No one had turned up.

Many highly trained wyvern riders totalling more than a hundred did not make their presence known.

The issue was enough for anyone to go tense.

An awkward silence had taken over.

They were in the middle of assuming if this was a mass defection of soldiers or even worse...a massacre.

That's when General Nou entered the scene.

A thin middle-aged man who had been the overseer and governor of the Ejei Garrison for many years.

He was put into a situation with which he was unfamiliar.

"What's happening here?." Those were his first words.

"Can please tell me why we are not receiving or detecting any magical essence from our reinforcements?" Even he was baffled.

The rest of the men in the control room were in a hurry to get back any contact with them.

"If I remember, the beacons from Maihark had been lit..." General Nou remarked before adding." And it could only mean one thing."

His mind was approaching the possibility of invasion.

However, the idea itself was absurd since Maihark had withstood the test of time and was never fully attacked ever since the last great war had ended.

Yet the mystery remains.

The general sighed as he looked towards one of the knights.

"Any news regarding Maihark?" He asked, taking another puff from his pipe.

The knight simply shook his head.

"Not yet sire...We are still tracing any source of magical energy."

"Then have we sent any scout or messenger to the city as an alternative?" The General asked yet again.

"We are going to..."

The older man could sigh in return.

It was indeed making him frustrated and worried at the same time. He could feel the cold sweat as his patience was running thin.

The room was still in a chaotic mess since everyone was trying to do everything in their power to get in contact with both factions.

They were all in that state until something unexpected had arrived.

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