2. The Manager

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Julie walks over to the piano and I grab my guitar.

Julie starts off playing the first part, then we all come in during the chorus.

We practice for about 20 minutes and then Julie leaves to go get ready before the manager gets here.

*10 minutes later*

"Ok guys, wish me luck", she says. We all nod and I add one of my famous smirks in to it as well.

A black car pulls in and a tall, slim lady gets out and approaches the door.

Julie greets her and winks at us.

"Please, sit", Julie says as she pulls up a chair. "Thank you Ms. Molina." My name is Betty Smith and I'm here to talk to you about your band, is it just you today?

"Yes, the boys couldn't make it today." I could tell from the sound of her voice that she was nervous.

"Well, I guess we should start then?" Betty says as she grabs the clipboard from her lap. "So, may I get all of the band members' names?"

"Luke Patterson, Reginald Peters, Alex Mercer, and me, Julie Molina."

"Thank you, Julie. I hope you don't mind me asking but, do you think you could show me a few of your songs?" Julie looks at me worriedly, I nod and smile, telling her to get my songbook.

She flips through the pages until she finds a song I can't read from where I'm sitting. So I just decide to listen and see which one she picks.

I can already tell which one she picked, "Flying Solo." The one with lyrics I stole from a poem in her dream box, that I snuck into... Hey, at least it's a good song!

(Skip to end of song)

I shoot her a wink when she glances at me after the song. I could tell she was nervous so I gave her a thumbs up and nodded, telling her to go on.

"Wow, Julie, that was amazing!" Betty says while clapping.

"Thank you so much!" Julie says with a big smile and glowing eyes.

I see Julie walking over to the songbook again, flipping through the pages. She picks another song. I could tell which one it was from the first chord. "Bright".

I blush, and give her a wink and I nod in agreement.

(Skip to end of song.)

I want to hug her so bad right now...

(Skip to end of meeting)

"Bye Julie, nice meeting you!" Betty says as she makes her way to the car.

I run up to Julie picking her up while hugging her, and I realize what I'm doing and quickly set her down gently.

"Sorry, I guess I just got caught up in the moment." I say with my hand on the back of my neck.

"It's ok, I CANT BELIEVE WE LANDED A MANAGER!" She screams as she hugs us.

"Hey, since it's only 10:00 do you guys wanna go for a walk?" I say to everyone, "Of course!" Alex says, as we walk out of the studio.

We walk the streets of Hollywood, and I notice that Julie is rubbing her shoulders. So I decide to go over to her and I take off my coat A/n: (yes it's one with sleeves). and put it over her shoulders. She looks up at me and smiles and mouths, "thank you." I just bite my bottom lip and smile with a quick nod.

"I'm hungry, I'll be right back", Julie says as she runs into a coffee shop. I knew that she would be a while, so I decide to poof into the shop and wait there instead.

When she gets her coffee and muffin, she sits at the table that she sees me at. "Woah! How long have you been here?", she whispers with a cute little giggle at the end.

"Umm, probably about 5 minutes." I say. She starts to eat and I look over at the boys, they are still standing there. "Wait, is that Willie they are talking to?" Oh no.

"Umm I'll be right back", I say to Julie then poof out to the sidewalk where they are standing.

Willie looks even more nervous than before. "Hey Willie", I say with a confused face.

"Hey, Luke, you are just in time, I can't stay long, but you have to listen to this. Caleb has heard the news about how Julie can now touch you, Alex, and Reggie. And he is mad, I don't know what he will do, but he was very angry."

My eyes widen at the terrifying news. "I have to tell Julie then!" But before I can poof, Willie grabs my arm. "No, you can't tell her just yet."

"Why?" Is all I say, and then I feel a cold finger tap my shoulder. I see everyone else's faces and I turn around.

My heart beats so fast it might pound out of my chest. I nervously say, "Oh...hi, Caleb." He looks furious.

"I can't control you anymore, however, I could control a certain someone." He says with a wicked smile.

"But, I won't." I look at him, confused, knowing that there is a twist, he wouldn't just back down like that.

"But I can control someone she used to have feelings for."

"Please don't. Caleb, just leave us alone, what is so bad about us that you want to hurt us anyway possible?" I ask shakily.

"It's just too easy, oh, and, I already took power over Nick." He says with a chuckle and disappears without anymore words. Leaving us shocked at what just happened.

I see Julie come out of the coffee shop, and I quickly put on a fake smile and suggest that we go home.

We are now back in the studio and I grab my songbook and flip to "Perfect Harmony." I hold the book up so everyone can see, and I start playing and singing, then Julie comes in with her beautiful voice.

(Skip to end of song.)

Wow, she sounded even more graceful than ever. I walk over to hug her, then Alex and Reggie say "Awwwww". I give them a stare. They seemed to take the hint and poof out.

"Hey Julie?"


"I want to show you something"

I'm sorry y'all, I left you on a cliffhanger. But it was a great place to stop and this chapter was longer. But towards the middle I had a brain fart and wicked writers block. The next chapter will have tons of Juke moments in it. Be happy! Stay positive!

Liz <3

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