33. Double Date Part 1

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I wake up and head downstairs after I see that Julie wasn't in bed next to me.

I see her cooking breakfast.

"Hey Jules, whatcha making?"


"Ooh my favorite!"

"You say that every time I make something" Julie laughs.

"Well, I'm not lying." I say walking over to her.

"Could you go get the quads, it's time for their breakfast." She says.

"Yeah, I'll go get them." I kiss her cheek and go into the nursery.

I walk in and see that Aspen is the only one awake.

"Hey, you."

Aspen smiles up at me and then rolls over.

"Nope, time for breakfast." I say, picking her and then Harmony up.

I set them down in their bouncy chairs and went to go get Apollo and Harper.

They are crying, so I calm them down before bringing them out.

"Thanks, can you finish these up?"

"Yep, on it." I say, taking her place.

Julie comes back after feeding them and sits down next to me.

"You didn't have to wait for me, you know." She says, seeing my full plate of food.

"I know, but I wanted to wait for you, we need to set those reservations for the double date."

"Oh yeah, right. I think we should get them reservations for Friday night at Maccheroni Repubulic." (Real place btw.)

"Woah, you've been doing research." I say, impressed.

"Well, my dad used to take my mom there ALL the time. From what I've heard them talk about, it's really good."

I rub her back and kiss her forehead.

"Well, I'll get the reservations for Friday, right now." I say, taking out my phone and dialing the restaurant.

Julie nods, and goes to play with the little rockstars.

"Hey Julie, I got the reservations, they are for Friday at 6:30 pm."

"Alright, sounds good. I'll call the guys and girl and tell them to get their butts over here."

I laugh when she says that.

20 minutes later...

"Heyyyy underachiever!" Flynn says as she walks in.

"Heyyyy disappointment!" Julie says, running up to her.

I walk over to the guys.

"So, how are you keeping up with the quads?" Willie asks.

"Great, and also, JULIE AND I wanted to give you guys something." I said 'Julie and I' louder so Julie knew that I was about to tell them.

"Oh really? What is it?" Reggie asks.

"Well..." I start, then gesturing towards Julie to finish.

"We got you four reservations for Maccheroni Republic! Here they are." Julie says excitedly, holding up four reservations and then handing them to the two couples.

"Oh my gosh! Why did you do this?" Flynn says, confused.

"Well, we wanted to give you guys something special for helping us with the quads this past month. So this is our thanks, to you!" I say, throwing my arm around Julie's shoulders.

"But, you guys di-" Alex starts to say.

"Nope, shut up, you all deserve it." Julie cuts him off.

"Here is all the money needed. Now, when Friday comes around, knock yourselves out!" I say, handing them $150.

"Guys, this is too much!" Reggie says.

"No it isn't, because it's prepay for all the babysitting you guys are gonna get yourselves into." Julie says with an innocent smile.

We all laugh at that.

They stay for awhile and then head out at around 11:30.

"Hey, wanna go buy some unnecessary baby clothes?" Julie says.

"Hell yeah!" I say.

"Language!" She says, pointing to the babies.

"Oops, sorry." I say, apologizing to her and the quads.

"Alright, let's go!" Julie says, strapping them into their twin strollers. We decided to get two twin strollers instead of one quad stroller because then it would be a lot easier to walk down isles in stores.

Alex's POV...

I can't believe they got us reservations for Maccheroni Republic. If they got us gift cards for McDonald's I would have been happy.

"This is awesome, you guys." Reggie says. (See what I did there? No? Okay.)

"I know, this was too much, but I'm not gonna fight over it." Flynn says.

Willie and I agree and sit down on some stools we found in the studio.

"I can't wait for Friday!" Willie says.

"I know! I've never been to fancy places like this before." I say.

Just two days until we go. Oh my gosh I love Luke and Julie right now.

Sorry it took me so long to post this. I was trying to figure out if it should be all Luke's POV or not. I decided not as you can see, next chapter will be the actual date, and it will be all Alex's POV. Hope you liked it!




Liz <3

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