31. Coming To The Rescue

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When I wake up, it's 8am and we still have to stay for about 10 more hours so the doctors can make sure that everything is going smoothly and the babies are healthy.

Julie wakes up about an hour after me and instantly picks up Apollo. I pick up Aspen. I don't have favorites, but I really want Aspen to like me. She looks the most like me.

"Babe, look at Aspen, then look at me."

"Okay." She says, confused.

"Oh wow, that's crazy!"

"I know right, she definitely looks the most like me."

We sit there, switching out babies for new ones, so the other babies don't feel left out.

Flynn, Alex, and Reggie are at our house getting the nursery set up, we had to buy 3 more cribs.

Third-Person POV...

3 hours pass and they finally finish the cribs. By now, it's lunch time so they eat and then take Nova for a walk in the park.

After about 1 1/2 hours they come back to the house and just do a quick check around the house and make sure everything is ready when the new family gets home from the hospital.

Julie and Luke hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Julie yells.

The nurse comes in and does a quick check-up on the babies.

"Since the babies are all healthy, you can leave early if you would like. But if you are going to leave early, you need to sign out in the lobby. Congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Luke says.

They get out of the bed and Julie calls Flynn, Alex, and Reggie on group call.

"Hey guys, we are ready to leave. Could you come help us pack up and carry out?"

"Of course! Flynn, Alex, and Reggie, COMING TO THE RESCUE!" Julie had to take her ear off of the phone for a second because of how loud Flynn was talking.

"Thanks Flynn!" Julie says while laughing as she hangs up.

Julie still has some baby fat so she can't quite bend over all the way yet, so she motions for Luke to grab the hospital bag and pack it up. Which he does.

Julie holds Aspen and whispers something in her little ear.

"I have something that will look so cute on you. I ordered it this morning when your daddy was getting us breakfast." Julie said as she laughed.

A couple minutes later, the others arrived. Alex and Reggie helped Luke pack up the car with the bags and blankets. Flynn and Julie carried the quadruplets out to the two cars.

Aspen and Harmony went with Luke and Julie, and Apollo and Harper went with Alex, Reggie and Flynn. Alex drove and Reggie was in the passenger seat, while Flynn was in the middle of the backseat, in between the babies.

They all arrived at the house in 15 minutes and set the babies down in their cribs.

They all sit down on the couch and sigh.

"Julie I can't believe you were carrying quadruplets and didn't have any idea." Alex said.

"I know, it's crazy." She replied.

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I know the babies aren't newborns, but I couldn't find pictures of newborns that matched my descriptions. AND 2k READS?! Thank you so so so so so much guys! I really appreciate your comments, votes, and just overall being here and actually reading my story.

Liz <3

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