16. A Misunderstanding Part 1

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2 Weeks Later...

Luke's POV...

We are practicing and we are doing really well. We actually got the chance to record some of our songs including Edge Of Great, Perfect Harmony, and Stand Tall. I'm really proud of us, we've come so far.

"Hey, great practice today guys!" Julie says, excitedly.

"What's got you so excited?" I say laughing.

"Nothing, I'm just so thankful I found that demo. If it wasn't for that, I would've never met you guys." She says with a smile.

We all go in for a group hug. We hug for about a minute until Carlos walks in.

"Oh hey, guys!" He says.

"Hey little dude." I say.

"What do you need, Carlos?" Julie asks.

"Oh, I was just wondering what a simp is." Carlos says.

"Me too! Julie keeps calling me a simp but I have no idea what she means! Julie c'mon you gotta help us out!" I say, begging.

She just laughs at this situation.

"Luke, you are gonna seriously wish you never said that after I tell you what it means." She says to me.

"I don't care, just tell me." I say.

"Ok, if you say so. Basically, a simp is someone who is like, head over heals for someone. So like, say, Carlos likes a girl, and he goes out of his way to like, do nice things for her, or just secretly crush really hard over her." She says, laughing a little bit through the explanation.

"Well, I mean, you're not wrong." Carlos says.

"Well you don't gotta be so mean about it..." I say, blushing a little. I mean, I guess I am kind of a simp for Julie, I mean, why wouldn't I be, I'm her boyfriend for God's sake.

Carlos and Julie laugh at the accuracy.

I run after Carlos and try to catch him, but that little baseball player is fast. I finally catch him and ruffle his hair and walk back to Julie. I've always loved kids, it may not seem like it, but I really want to be a dad some day.

"Did you have fun over there?" She says while laughing.

"Yeah, I think so." I say returning the laugh.

I go to the house and up to my room. I need to change because I'm kind of sweaty from practicing so much today. When I get my new shirt on, I hear a ding from the phone that Julie bought me. It's a text message from and unknown number.

Meet me at the beach
in 20 minutes. Don't be late.
                                             Umm, who is this?

Just come, no questions.

Well that was weird. I have no idea who that was. I guess I need to go to the beach. So I head down to the studio and tell everyone I'm gonna head out for a bit. They all nod and I walk out and drive to the beach in Julie's car. She said I could use it anytime I want.

I arrive at the beach and I park the car. I see a girl on the beach that is running over to me.

"Hi. My name is Ella. And I'm Caleb's daughter and let's just say I'm not happy that you killed him. So umm, you might wanna watch your back." She says, I'm shocked, I don't think I can even process anything through my head.

Julie's POV...

Hey, meet me at the
beach in 20 minutes.

                                         Wait a sec, who even
                                         is this???

Just come, no questions.

Umm ok then, I have absolutely no idea who that was but I guess I'm meeting them at the beach in 20 minutes. Luke comes into the studio and says he is gonna go head out for a bit. I head out a little bit after Luke. But I walk/run there because it takes 20 minutes to get to the beach if I run most of the way. I'll be a little late but that'll be okay I think.

I get to the beach and to my surprise I see Luke talking to some beautiful girl. She looks over at me and the next thing I see is them kissing. I don't really know what to think. I think I need to go somewhere else...

I go back to the studio and try to find Reggie and Alex. I find them in the house and I bring them to the studio.

I just start blurting out half-sentences.

"Julie, slow down. And now try to tell us what's wrong." Alex says, trying to calm me down.

"Okay." I say, I take a few deep breaths and continue to tell them what I just saw. With tears streaming from my eyes.

"I got a t-text saying to meet an unknown number at the beach. I go to the b-beach and there I see L-Luke k-kissing this beautiful girl." I say, the tears falling even harder now.

"I'm gonna kill him..." Reggie says, being the protective big brother that he is.

Hey guys! I just checked and found out that my book has 350 reads! I'm so happy right now, thank you guys so much for reading my book. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry that this chapter was a little longer but I didn't know where to stop and I felt like I needed to add a little bit of suspense and drama. So here it is! The next chapter!

Please comment some ideas, I'm always up to do something that you guys want to read in this book.

Liz <3

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