21. Welcome Back Julie!

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3 years later...

Luke's POV...

Alex, Reggie, and I are waiting in the studio for Julie and Flynn to come home from College. I'm hiding behind my couch, Reggie is hiding behind a plant (typical), and Alex is hiding in the loft.

We hear footsteps come closer to the studio outside.

"Okay guys, they're coming! Get ready!" I whisper-yelled.

Julie and Flynn walk in.

"WELCOME HOME!" We all yell from our very well planned out hiding places.

"Oh my god, guys! I've missed y'all so much, you don't even know!" Julie screams and run up to me and jumps on me and gives me a kiss. I laugh as I set her down. She just kisses me again. God, I've missed her so much.

"Reggieeeee!!!!!" Flynn screams and runs over to Reggie and hugs him pretty hard from what I can tell.

Oh yeah, Reggie and Flynn are together now. They got together right before the girls headed off to college.

Alex yell "Group hug!" I think he felt lonely. We all were in the middle of a group hug, when Ray and Carlos join in on it.

"Welcome home, Jules!" Carlos yells.

"Welcome back, Mija." Ray hugs Julie.

"Thanks guys, for all this support." The girls thank us, they didn't have to, but it was nice to know that they appreciated our welcome home hugs.

Julie and I sit on the couch and snuggle for a bit while watching a movie on her phone.

Reggie and Flynn are doing a little fashion show. Reggie is doing his little dance. I look over at them and just start laughing so hard. I think I startled Julie. She jumped. "I'm sorry Jules, I couldn't help myself, look at Reggie."

She starts bursting out laughing as I cover my ears. I kind of asked for that.

Alex invited Willie to come over. They hung out for a little bit, Willie taught Alex how to skateboard, and Alex taught Willie a little bit of drums.

Alex fell a few times, but he's okay.

An hour later, Julie and I finish the movie and start writing a song together.

"Hey Julie, can I talk to you about something that's been on my mind?" I ask her.

She nods and brings me to her room. She sits down and pats a spot next to me. She smiles and bobs her head, telling me to tell her.

"Well, we've been dating for about 3 and a half years now and I was wondering if we could maybe-um-take the next step? You know, maybe-um-buy a house or apartment together or something?" I ask.

"Are you kidding? I would love to! House hunting!!!!!" She screams and hugs me and kisses my cheek. She grabs her laptop and lays down on her stomach while tapping away on her keyboard.

"Hmm, what do you think about this one?" She asks.

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