20. "Dont touch her!"

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Luke's POV...

I hear footsteps in the hallway right after Julie falls. I guess Caleb decided to walk instead of just poofing in to make it more dramatic.

He steps into the room. He grabs Julie's arm aggressively and starts to walk out of the room. But before he can totally leave with her, I suddenly feel stronger and am able to break free from the ropes and tape. I run after Caleb and put the same ropes over him. Same with the tape. It hurt to pick them up, but I managed to get them on him.

"Don't touch her!" I yell at him. He looks weaker. And that's good, that makes it easier to put a stamp on him. I just have to figure out how to get a stamp. So I go back into the room and break the boys free and I tell Alex to stay with Julie and tell Reggie to come with me to explore his private room to try and find another book somewhere. We end up finding one on a musty bookshelf. I blow on the book that causes dust to make us cough.

"Here we go! It says to hold his hand as if giving him a handshake and then press your index and middle finger into his wrist." I explain.

So I do that to Caleb and surprisingly, it works. I can feel him jerk back. I wasn't sure if it would work or not since we aren't ghosts anymore.

"So, Caleb. Either you listen to us, or you go bye-bye from those jolts. What do you choose?" Alex asks Caleb.

"I will never listen to inferiors such as you fools!" Caleb yelled.

"Jolts it is, then." Reggie says.

"Bye, Caleb!" We all yell in unison.

We leave the Hollywood Ghost Club for Caleb to be destroyed.

On our way back to the studio, we run into Ella. We try to avoid her, but she walks over to us.

"Hi, you guys seem familiar. Do I know you from somewhere." She says, we all respond with very, very confused expressions.

"Well, you were really rude to me the other day. You actually kissed me in front of my girlfriend so she thought that I was cheating on her." I say, kind of annoyed.

"Hmm, I don't recall that and by the way I would never do that to someone. Im really sorry but I think you have the wrong person." She said.

"Well, you're pretty unforgettable. I mean, you threatened me about payback for 'killing your dad, Caleb'." I say back to her.

"My dad's name isn't Caleb." She says, genuinely confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong person then. Sorry for this misunderstanding."

She walks away, and carries on doing what she was doing before.

"That's so weird. Must be when you die a second time, you totally disappear as in you never even existed. Guess Caleb is really gone now." I say.

Everyone nods and sighs in relief.

We get back to the house and immediately hug Ray and Carlos.

"Dad, Caleb is gone for good now." Julie says.

"That's great, sweetie." Ray says and kisses her on the forehead.

We all head to bed since it's like 2 in the morning.

I kiss Julie goodnight and head into my room.

I sit in bed for about an hour because I'm not really sleepy. Then I hear Julie scream. I run into her room.

"What's wrong?!" I yell.

"There's a spider on my pillow!" She yells back.

I laugh and go over to her pillow and pick the spider up by it's leg and throw it in the toilet in the bathroom down the hall. I come back in and pull the covers over her and kiss her forehead.

"Wait, Luke? Can you stay and snuggle with me?" She says halfway through a yawn. I can't say no to her.

"Sure, babe." I say and I crawl into her bed and rest my arm on her waist.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you more." She says back.

"I love you most." I whisper so she can't hear it.

I wanna spend the rest of my life with this girl...

Guys! We are at 583 reads! Thank you so much for actually reading this! And I'm thinking about fast-forwarding a couple years. What do you guys think? Comment please! I'm open to ideas and whatever I use from your comments I'll give you credit for it. Have a wonderful day/night everyone. Stay safe!

Liz <3

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